精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我為我自己的網誌寫了一篇整理文 想說搞不好別人也會有興趣 所以就姑且在這邊post一下 有興趣的人說不定可以拿來當今年看片的指標之一 ====================(分隔線)======================== 坎城影展部份: 「四月三週又兩天」(4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days)-- 2007坎城影展金棕櫚獎暨國際影評人費比西獎 「放逐」(The Banishment)-- Konstantin Lavronenko獲得2007坎城影展最佳男主角獎 「殯之森」(Mourning Forest)-- 2007坎城影展評審團大獎 「寂靜之光」(Silent Light)-- 2007坎城影展評審團特別獎 「我在伊朗長大」(Persepolis)-- 2007坎城影展評審團特別獎,黑白動畫 「巴黎小情歌」(Love Songs)-- 2007坎城影展競賽片,路易卡瑞主演 「來自倫敦的男人」(The Man from London)-- 2007坎城影展競賽片,貝拉塔爾執導 威尼斯影展部份: 「刺殺傑西」(The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford)-- 布萊德彼特獲得2007威尼斯影展最佳男主角獎 「巴布狄倫的七段航程」(I'm Not There)-- 2007威尼斯影展評審團大獎,凱特布蘭琪獲得2007威尼斯影展最佳女主角獎 「大吉嶺有限公司」(The Darjeeling Limited)-- 2007威尼斯影展競賽片,歐文威爾森、安卓亞布洛迪、比爾莫瑞、娜塔莉波曼等主演 柏林影展部份: 「生活的其他」(The Other)-- 2007柏林影展評審團大獎銀熊,Julio Chávez獲得2007柏林影展最佳男主角獎 「在屋頂上流浪」(Hallam Foe)-- 2007柏林影展最佳音樂銀熊,由「舞動人生」的傑米貝爾主演 以下列出2007年三大影展在官方網站上公佈的得獎片單,以做參考對照: 2007坎城影展-- Palme d'Or(金棕櫚) 4 LUNI, 3 SAPTAMINI SI 2 ZILE (4 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS AND 2 DAYS) by Cristian Mungiu 60th Anniversary Award PARANOID PARK by Gus Van Sant Grand Prix MOGARI NO MORI by Naomi Kawase Best Actress Award JEON DO YEON for Secret Sunshine Best Actor Award KONSTANTIN LAVRONENKO for Izgnanie Best Director Award JULIAN SCHNABEL for Le Scaphandre et le papillon Best Screenplay Award FATIH AKIN for Auf der anderen seite Jury Prize ex-aequo(評審團特別獎) PERSEPOLIS by Marjane Satrapi / Vincent Paronnaud STELLET LICHT by Carlos Reygadas Prize "Vulcain de l'Artiste-Technicien", awarded by the C.S.T. JANUSZ KAMINSKI for Le Scaphandre et le papillon 2007威尼斯影展-- GOLDEN LION for Best Film: SE, JIE (LUST, CAUTION) by Ang LEE (USA/China/China, Taiwan) SILVER LION for Best Director to: Brian DE PALMA for the film: REDACTED (USA) SPECIAL JURY PRIZE to (ex aequo): LA GRAINE ET LE MULET by Abdellatif KECHICHE (France) I’M NOT THERE by Todd HAYNES (USA) COPPA VOLPI for Best Actor: Brad PITT in the film THE ASSASSINATION OF JESSE JAMES BY THE COWARD ROBERT FORD by Andrew DOMINIK (USA) COPPA VOLPI for Best Actress: Cate BLANCHETT in the film: I’M NOT THERE by Todd HAYNES (USA) MARCELLO MASTROIANNI AWARD for Best Young Actor or Actress: Hafsia HERZI in the film LA GRAINE ET LE MULET by Abdellatif KECHICHE (France) OSELLA for Best Cinematography to: Rodrigo PRIETO director of photography for the SE, JIE (LUST, CAUTION) by Ang LEE (USA/China/China, Taiwan) OSELLA for Best Screenplay to: Paul LAVERTY for the film IT’S A FREE WORLD… by Ken LOACH (UK/Italy/Germany/Spain) SPECIAL LION for Overall Work to: NIKITA MIKHALKOV 2007柏林影展-- Golden Bear for the Best Film: to Le Wang, the producer of Tu ya de hun shi | Tuya's Marriage by Wang Quan'an Silver Bear - The Jury Grand Prix 2007: El otro | The Other by Ariel Rotter Silver Bear - Best Director 2007: Joseph Cedar for Beaufort Silver Bear - Best Actress 2007: Nina Hoss in Yella by Christian Petzold Silver Bear - Best Actor 2007: Julio Chavez in El otro by Ariel Rotter Silver Bear - Outstanding Artistic Contribution 2007: To the ensemble cast of The Good Shepherd by Robert De Niro Silver Bear - Best Film Music 2007: David Mackenzie for the use of music in his film Hallam Foe Alfred Bauer Prize 2007: Sai bo gu ji man gwen chan a | I’m A Cyborg, But That’s Ok by Park Chan-wook (補充兒童影片的水晶熊獎及同志影片的泰迪熊獎) The Crystal Bear for Best Feature Film: Dek Hor | Dorm by Songyos Sugmakanan The TEDDY for the Best Feature Film: Ci-Qing | Spider Lillies by Zero Chou -- 我是雍小狼 Let's go to the movies. http://gotothemovies.blogspot.com/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Zarathustra8:橘子好屌!! 10/01 15:20
zooka:威尼斯影展真的把色戒的國籍寫成USA/China/China, Taiwan 10/01 15:19
sing0930:cool,thx 10/01 15:21
zooka:我是複製影展官網上的文字,所以直至2007.10.01還沒改變 10/01 15:21