精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《lillwang (紫色)》之銘言: : 新聞來源:自由時報 2010-03-06 D8版 : 奧斯卡10大落馬最佳影片 斷背山第一苦主 : 第82屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮將在3月8日早上9點於Star Movies同步轉播,不少影評與媒體 : 已經預測「阿凡達」可能會敗給「危機倒數」,甚至認為「阿凡達」落敗的話,會成為 : 奧斯卡歷史上第11部最悶的落敗影片。 :  英國郵報指出,今年奧斯卡最大苦主,看樣子可能是「阿凡達」,因為「危機倒數」 : 的以小搏大氣勢很高。該媒體更選出奧斯卡史上10部苦主,第1名就是「斷背山」。內文 : 指出,「斷背山」整片成就過人,卻輸給當年「衝擊效應」,只能證明影藝學院會員還 : 是很保守,對同志議題有所顧忌。第2名苦主是輸給「阿甘正傳」的「刺激1995」。 : (文/李光爵 圖/福斯) 剛GOO了一下 發現這篇提到的媒體應該是鏡報才對 而且鏡報並沒有排出確切名次 原文出處:http://tinyurl.com/ycnyeyf 十大該贏得奧斯卡最佳影片卻未贏的電影 Brokeback Mountain 斷背山 Ang Lee’s stunning love story about two gay cowboys coming to terms with their sexuality in the American West was defeated on the big night by LA ‘ passion piece’ Crash, proving that the Academy and homosexual subject matter are not a comfortable fit. Shawshank Redemption 刺激1995(1994) The critically-praised prison drama, starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins, was overlooked in favour of goofy Tom Hanks-fronting Forest Gump. The galling thing is that Pulp Fiction was also denied recognition the same year in the same category. Goodfellas 四海好傢伙(1990) You’d think it would take a mighty film to defeat Martin Scorsese’s mobster flick Goodfellas. Sadly the great De Niro-starring epic was beaten to the post by the rather rubbish Dances With Wolves. Now there’s an injustice. Apocalypse Now 現代啟示錄(1979) Kramer Vs. Kramer beat Frances Ford Coppola’s brilliantly dark Vietnam monster to the Academy Award. Marlon Brando’s performance as Colonel Kurtz lost out too. The horror! The horror! Taxi Driver 計程車司機(1976) ‘You talkin' to me?’ asked Robert De Niro in this 1976 New York thriller but clearly no-one at the Academy was as they chose Sly Stallone’s Rocky for the top prize. It's A Wonderful Life 風雲人物(1946) Considering how well this Christmas movie has aged it’s a shame it was not recognised as a modern classic at the time. Rather, post-WWII drama The Best Years of Our Lives bagged the 1946 Best Picture prize. Citizen Kane 大國民(1941) Orson Welles’ 1941 drama is generally considered as one of the greatest films of all time, although back in the day it was overlooked in favour of How Green Was My Valley, a film I’m sure none of you have heard of, let alone seen. Raging Bull 蠻牛(1980) Scorsese and De Niro missed out again as Robert Redford’s directional debut Ordinary People claimed the top prize. The Queen 黛妃與女皇(2006) Martin Scorsese finally won a Best Picture gong in 2006 when his star-studded mob movie The Departed triumphed at the Oscars. It’s a fantastic film, but is it better than The Queen, which is beat to the top spot? Many critics weren ’t convinced. Psycho 驚魂記(1960) Amazingly Alfred Hitchcock’s psychological thriller wasn’t even nominated for the Best Picture award, and Hitchcock missed out on the Best Director prize too. The winner? Jack Lemmon starring comedy-drama The Apartment. 怕翻得不好 英文部分就不幫忙翻了 感覺這份評比對馬丁史柯西斯愛很大(?) 各位看官還是看看就好 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: crystalskull 來自: (03/07 02:43)
skycold:郵報只有這篇http://0rz.tw/xbxfL 斷背山在引言被提了一下 03/07 03:06
SilentDarren:不論電影好壞 但女皇那年呼聲有比神鬼無間高嗎?? 03/07 03:19
soso4570:史柯西斯那幾部都是他最巔峰的經典 所有神鬼無間才有補給 03/07 03:19
soso4570:獎之說.... 03/07 03:20
reke:這十張片單列出來真的是比奧斯卡歷屆得獎名單素質還高 XD 03/07 06:54
danlin15:選人的話當然就是馬丁史柯西斯了 神鬼無間才得獎 03/07 09:10
danlin15:西區考克也蠻可惜的 一個都沒有 03/07 09:13
opw:kubrick也挺可惜的!!! 03/07 10:53
wagner:西區考克有啊 Rebecca 03/07 12:14
wagner:個人覺得美麗人生也應該得 03/07 12:16
inung:馬丁史柯西斯這幾部真的是他顛峰期的經典,神鬼無間相較之下 03/07 17:45
inung:只是安慰獎 03/07 17:45
cchua:推Kubrick 03/09 10:22