精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/ykx8wrj 紛紛擾擾 每年奧斯卡季總是幾家歡樂幾家愁 但更愁的是那些連提名邊都沾不上的演員 影片 劇本 或是導演 indieWIRE幫我們選出這些失落者 讓時間做評斷 以下是應該入選的獎項 ------------------------------------------------------ 50: Tina Fey for best adapted screenplay (Mean Girls, 2004) 最佳改編劇本/辣妹過招 49: Persepolis for best foreign language film (Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi, 2007) 最佳外語片/茉莉人生 48: Hugh Grant and Toni Collette for best actor and supporting actress (About a Boy, 2002) 最佳男主角,最佳女配角/非關男孩 47: Emily Blunt for best supporting actress (The Devil Wears Prada, 2006) 最佳女配角/穿著PRADA的惡魔 46: Naomi Watts for best actress (Mulholland Drive and King Kong, 2001 & 2005) 最佳女主角/穆荷蘭大道+金剛 45: Hope Davis for best supporting actress (American Splendor, 2003) 最佳女配角/小人物狂想曲 44: Gomorrah for best foreign language film (Matteo Garrone, 2008) 最佳外語片/罪惡之城娥摩拉 43: Andy Serkis for best supporting actor (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, 2002) 最佳男配角/魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 42: Adaptation for best picture (Spike Jonze, 2002) 最佳影片/蘭花賊 41: Christian Bale for best actor (American Psycho, 2000) 最佳男主角/美國殺人魔 40: Evan Rachel Wood for best actress (Thirteen, 2003) 最佳女主角/芳鄰十三 39: Woody Allen for best original screenplay (Vicky Cristina Barcelona, 2008) 最佳原著劇本/情遇巴塞隆納 38: Rosemarie deWitt for best supporting actress (Rachel Getting Married, 2008) 最佳女配角/瑞秋要出嫁 37: Cache and The Piano Teacher for best foreign language film (Michael Haneke, 2001 & 2005) 最佳外語片/隱藏攝影機+鋼琴教師 36: Peter Sarsgaard for best supporting actor (Shattered Glass, 2003) 最佳男配角/欲蓋彌彰 35: Michelle Williams for best actress (Wendy & Lucy, 2008) 最佳女主角/溫蒂和露西 34: Shareeka Epps for best supporting actress (Half Nelson, 2006) 最佳女配角/我的左派老師 33: Kristin Scott Thomas for best actress (I’ve Loved You So Long, 2008) 最佳女主角/我一直深愛著妳 32: L’Enfant and Le Fils for best foreign language film (Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, 2002 & 2005) 最佳外語片/孩子+兒子 31: Marlon Wayans and Jennifer Connelly for best supporting actor and actress (Requiem For a Dream, 2000) 最佳男配角,最佳女主角/噩夢輓歌 30: Mulholland Drive for best picture (David Lynch, 2001) 最佳影片/穆荷蘭大道 29: Gillian Anderson for best actress (The House of Mirth, 2000) 最佳女主角/歡樂之家 28: David O. Russell for best original screenplay (I Heart Huckabees, 2004) 最佳原著劇本/心靈偵探社 27: United 93 for best picture (Paul Greengrass, 2006) 最佳影片/聯航93 26: Volver for best foreign language film (Pedro Almodovar, 2006) 最佳外語片/玩美女人 25: Steve Buscemi and Scarlett Johansson for best supporting actor and actress (Ghost World, 2000) 最佳男配角,最佳女主角/幽靈世界 24: Alexander Payne for best adapted screenplay (About Schmidt, 2002) 最佳改編劇本/心的方向 23: John Cameron Mitchell for best actor and director (Hedwig and the Angry Inch, 2001) 最佳男主角,最佳導演/搖滾芭比 22: City of God for best foreign language film (Fernando Meirelles, 2002) 最佳外語片/無法無天 21: David Fincher and Robert Downey Jr for best director and supporting actor (Zodiac, 2006) 最佳導演,最佳男配角/索命黃道帶 20: Sacha Baron Cohen for best actor (Borat, 2006) 最佳男主角/芭樂特 19: Ewan McGregor and Baz Luhrmann for best actor and director (Moulin Rouge!, 2001) 最佳男主角,最佳導演/紅磨坊 18: Julie Delpy for best actress (Before Sunset, 2004) 最佳女主角/愛在日落巴黎時 17: Alfonso Cuarón for best director (Y Tu Mama Tambien and Children of Men, 2002 & 2006) 最佳導演/你他媽的也是 16: The Dark Knight for best picture (Christopher Nolan, 2008) 最佳影片/黑暗騎士 15: Jim Carrey for best actor (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 2004) 最佳男主角/王牌冤家 14: Catherine O’Hara for best supporting actress (Best In Show, A Mighty Wind, and For Your Consideration, 2000-2006) 最佳女配角/人狗對對碰+歌聲滿人間+問鼎奧斯卡 13: Patricia Clarkson, Dennis Quaid and Dennis Haysbert for supporting actor and actress (Far From Heaven, 2002) 最佳男配角,最佳女配角/遠離天堂 12: Almost Famous for best picture (Cameron Crowe, 2000) 最佳影片/成名在望 11: Charlie Kaufman for best original screenplay (Synecdoche, New York, 2008) 最佳原著劇本/紐約浮世繪 10: David Cronenberg, Viggo Mortensen and Maria Bello for best director, actor and supporting actress (A History of Violence, 2005) 最佳導演,最佳男主角,最佳女配角/暴力效應 9: 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days for best foreign language film (Cristian Mungiu, 2007) 最佳外語片/四月三週又兩天 8: Sally Hawkins and Eddie Marsan for best actress and supporting actor (Happy-Go-Lucky, 2009) 最佳女主角,最佳男配角/無憂無慮 7: Bjork for best actress (Dancer in the Dark, 2000) 最佳女主角/在黑暗中漫舞 6: Paul Giamatti for best actor (American Splendor, 2003, and Sideways, 2004) 最佳男主角/小人物狂想曲 5: In The Mood For Love for best foreign language film (Wong Kar-Wai, 2001) 最佳外語片/花樣年華 4: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for best picture (Michel Gondry, 2004) 最佳影片/王牌冤家 3: Uma Thurman for best actress (Kill Bill, Vol. 1 & 2, 2003 & 2004) 最佳女主角/追殺比爾 2: Todd Haynes for best director (Far From Heaven and I’m Not There, 2002 & 2007) 最佳導演/遠離天堂+搖滾啟示錄 1: Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille and WALL-E for best picture (Andrew Stanton or Brad Bird, 2003-2008) 最佳影片/海底總動員,超人特攻隊,料理鼠王,瓦力 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
christiano:第一名都是卡通耶 第三名還讓我挺驚訝的 有那麼好? 03/16 21:16
amber92:80%以上不認同 03/16 21:17
Verlander35:第三名或許是個人演技的突破(惡搞不計形象)??? 03/16 21:17
faang:而且都是皮克斯出品 03/16 21:17
tomx:很挺皮克斯 03/16 21:18
Ivanmoney:Naomi Watts那個應該要排在前20 03/16 21:19
a111156987:我比較同意排名後半的那些.. 03/16 21:19
ThreeNG:推花樣年華 03/16 21:21
ghfjdksl:外語片... 03/16 21:24
ilw4e:所以奧斯卡最佳外語片的品質最爛 03/16 21:24
jerryklu:TDK真的是遺珠。第一名大推,只是我想這樣還會維持很久 03/16 21:32
missleia:認同後半,但是1.??我覺得怪怪的 03/16 21:32
Urda:還好啦!奧斯卡本來就是不是什麼絕對的標準... 03/16 21:36
Davidgood:遠離天堂一整個被鬼隱XD,幾乎所有獎項都該入圍 03/16 21:36
buteo:咕魯演成那樣真的很強 03/16 21:37
modjo:鋼琴教師不只缺最佳外語片 還缺最佳女主角! 03/16 21:49
headnobig:哈 推第一名 03/16 21:50
sleepyrat:奧斯卡其實就是選一部"好看"、"評審看得懂"的外語片 03/16 22:14
michaelch:瓦力真的夠格被提名~表現手法太讚了 03/16 22:23
Verlander35:其實第一名的四部影片都蠻好看的 海、瓦、料都蠻有教 03/16 22:29
Verlander35:育意義 都是蠻好的片子 03/16 22:30
sleepyrat:麥可漢內克的作品對奧斯卡評審來說~~太深了!! 03/16 22:35
tim2502:大多都不是很贊同@@ 03/16 22:43
tim2502:那些外語片的 倒是同意 03/16 22:44
nanakosun:美國殺人魔中肯..另推TDK和王牌冤家 03/16 22:47
avrild12:Bjork!! 03/16 23:16
jing0991:我也要推美國殺人魔 03/16 23:16
Davidgood:伊旺麥奎格!!!!!!!!!! 03/16 23:20
wcc960:奧斯卡基本上本來就是以好萊塢為中心 03/16 23:24
hoshiru:奧斯卡本來就是好萊塢一年一度大拜拜啊 03/16 23:25
wcc960:不必太過要求或期待它全球影壇的東西都要出面肯定 (給獎) 03/16 23:25
bluemax:我會推 無間道.. 翻拍得到最佳導演、影片、改編劇本... 03/16 23:56
bluemax:原作卻連入圍都沒有... 03/16 23:57
cappa:蠻多我的心聲 除了暴力效應 03/17 00:20
a111156987:推暴力效應 很耐看的一部片 03/17 00:25
jamcla:暴力效應+1 03/17 00:33
quaketw:瓦力~~ 03/17 01:33
lilylyly:推 無法無天 是一部看完很有後勁的片 03/17 02:12
gaultter:遠離天堂很優 不知道為啥被鬼隱 03/17 05:24
llwopp:王牌冤家 被忽視的神作 03/17 07:16
POLAX:不過我覺得隱藏攝影機很爛 整片缺點太多只為了一個概念 03/17 08:00
diaylno:推碧玉,黑暗中漫舞後勁太強大 03/17 08:06
mvb:Before sunset 不錯! 03/17 12:11
nanakosun:我覺得頂尖對決也是遺珠 03/18 02:13