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RazzieWatch 2011: The Worst-Picture Race Begins http://es.pn/kqI21v Posted Monday, June 13, 2011 12:08 PM Dan Kois It’s June, which means that Hollywood is readying another buffet of crap. Endless superhero sagas, pointless remakes, a third Transformers movie — 2011 just might be the worst summer movie season ever. But a lousy summer for movie-watchers is a great summer for Razzie-watchers, because everyone knows that summer is Razzie season. 6月意味著好萊塢即將端出一道道跟「噴」一樣難吃的菜色-永無止境的超級英雄 肥皂劇、無梗的經典重拍,加上變形金剛第三集-2011可能是有史以來影片品質 最差的暑假檔。但一般影迷認為充滿糟糕電影的暑假,在金酸莓觀察家眼中可是 覺得棒透了,因為大家都知道:暑假等同於金酸莓季節 The Razzies, of course, are the coveted Golden Raspberry awards, the brainchild of Los Angeles PR man John Wilson, who turned an Oscar-party roast of bad movies into a 30-year cottage industry celebrating the worst Tinseltown has to offer. 被美國當地媒體俗稱Razzies的金酸莓獎,乃是發自於洛杉磯公關人員John Wilson 的發想,他把一場朋友間單純吐槽浮華城(好萊塢的暱稱)爛電影的聚會,轉變成 一個(刻意)低成本粗劣製作的山寨盛會,已經有三十年了。 The Razzies (dis)honor Hollywood the day before the Academy Awards in a ceremony that has even occasionally attracted some star power. (Two years ago Sandra Bullock accepted her Worst Actress Razzie for All About Steve in person, her good sportsmanship aided, no doubt, by the fact that she was a lock to win an Oscar for The Blind Side the next day.) 金酸莓在奧斯卡典禮的前一天,同樣以典禮的形式對好萊塢表達致敬(或不敬), 有時一些天王天后甚至還會撥空親自前往。比方說在去年,珊卓布拉克親自領取 最糟女主角獎(其得獎作為求愛女王),充分證明她的運動家精神-儘管她在隔天 又以相當高的得票率贏得奧斯卡影后 And while there is a universe of insider-y blogs devoted to Oscar season in the fall and winter, there are none that cover Razzie season — until now. This summer, Grantland’s RazzieWatch will take a close look at Hollywood’s duds, bombs, and rehashes, peering deep into our (RAZZberry-shaped) crystal ball to forecast which movies have the best chance at Razzie glory … and immortality. 儘管世界上有不少部落格會在秋冬撰寫奧斯卡的相關內幕報導,但還沒有一個網站 願意專注在金酸莓上-直到現在。今年暑假,Grantland網站的RazzieWatch專欄 將會帶領大家更接近好萊塢的啞彈、炸彈、老調重彈,更深入頗析我們草莓狀的 水晶球,並預測哪些電影最有機會角逐這項「榮耀」,並奠定其影壇「不朽」的 地位 The Year So Far Some amateur Razzie fans think that, as with the Oscars and other lesser awards, movies that open early in the year get forgotten at awards time. But our research shows that’s just not true. In fact, in the past 10 years, 15 of the 51 Worst Picture nominees were released before June 1 — that’s 29.4 percent! 有些不夠專業的金酸莓影迷,可能會認為金酸莓跟奧斯卡及其他較不知名的獎項 一樣,容易忘記年初就上映的電影。但根據我們的調查顯示,這刻板印象其實 並不正確。實際上,在這過去10年,51部被提名最糟影片的電影,有15部就是 在6月1號之前上映的,其提名機率將近3成 What does that mean for the 32nd annual Razzies? It means that one — or maybe even two — movies that have already opened will be among the Worst Picture honorees when nominations are announced on Monday, January 23. 對於第32屆金酸莓,這又代表什麼呢?答案是:至少有一部(甚至兩部)已經上映的 電影,會在明年1月23日金酸莓公布入圍名單時,獲得最糟影片提名的榮譽 But which will it be? Let’s take a look at the top contenders on the Razzie eligibility list. 但會是哪一部呢,以下帶大家來看今年有參選資格的熱門角逐名單 Remakes and Sequels: Unlike snootier awards, the Razzies love remakes and sequels. In fact, these films have a leg up on original movies in Razzieland since the awards have an entire category just for prequels, remakes, rip-offs, and sequels. 重拍或續集:與其他自負獎項不同的是,金酸莓相當喜歡重拍片與續集片。事實上, 這些跟原作相比狗尾續貂的電影,甚至更有機會角逐金酸莓,因為金酸莓有一個專屬 的「最糟前傳、重拍、仿製與續集」獎項 Here are 2011's rehashes released before June with Razzie heat, ranked by their current Tomatometer score: 以下就是今年六月以前上映的續集/重拍電影,與他們在爛番茄網站的影評滿意度 Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son: 5% Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil: 10% Red Riding Hood: 11% Just Go With It: 18% Arthur: 27% Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: 33% The Hangover Part II: 35% Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family: 41% Gnomeo & Juliet: 55% Scream 4: 57% 以上影片的中文片名分別是 絕地奶霸3、Kuso小紅帽2、血紅帽、愛情大臨演、阿舍正傳、神鬼奇航:幽靈海、 醉後大丈夫2、Tyler Perryy自導自演的Madea’s Big Happy Family、 糯米歐與茱麗葉、驚聲尖叫4 What a lineup! What a year it's going to be for Razzie-watchers! You could fill a Worst Picture category just from these worthy movies, without even waiting for summer. But history tells us that only one of these films has a shot at a coveted Worst Picture nomination. It seems likely that Red Riding Hood and Hoodwinked Too! will split the wolf vote, leaving both in the cold. Big Mommas' Tomatometer is eye-popping, but I think too many voters hide secret love for this genius franchise to doom it with a Razzie nom. 這名單對金酸莓影迷們而言,真是跟洋基鑽石打線一樣豪華啊!你們甚至可以直接 略過暑假檔,直接在這些影片中挑選最爛影片了!但歷史的經驗告訴我們,這些 影片真正能角逐最糟影片獎的,只有「一部」。「血紅帽」與「Kuso小紅帽2」 看起來可能會分散狼人票,同時冷卻這兩片的角逐行情。「絕地奶霸3」在爛番茄 的滿意度是讓人大開眼界的低,但我卻認為很多會員在投票時,會隱藏對這部天才 續集的「喜愛」,反倒摧毀了她入圍金酸莓的機會 In the end, I’d put my money on Hangover II, a sequel that’s also, in its own way, a remake. Look for it to cash in on nomination day with nods for Worst Picture, Worst Director, and Worst Actor. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the monkey sneak off with a nod as well. 我可能會把賭注下在「醉後大丈夫2」上,他既是一部續集電影,以他的走向而言, 也算得上是重拍電影。他很有可能獲得最糟影片、最糟導演與最糟男主角的提名, 我想就算片中的猴子順便被提名,我也不會感到意外! The Originals: It’s tougher to score a nomination without some kind of franchise backing, but it can happen. Let’s take a look at the original films under Razzie consideration, ranked by Tomatometer score. 原創電影:一部片想要在沒有前集基礎的支撐下,要獲得提名其實是更難的, 但他還是有機會獲得青睞。以下就依照爛番茄網站的滿意度排出金酸莓委員們 會列入考慮的原創電影 The Roommate: 4% Season of the Witch: 6% Atlas Shrugged: Part I: 13% Something Borrowed: 15% Priest: 16% The Rite: 19% The Dilemma: 21% Sucker Punch: 22% Your Highness: 25% Hop: 26% Battle: Los Angeles: 35% Drive Angry 3D: 46% 以上影片的中文片名分別是 危險室友、魔女奇兵、阿特拉斯聳聳肩、結婚友沒友、獵魔教士、現代驅魔師、 劈腿困境、殺客同萌、王子奠下、開運兔、世界異戰、怒火狂飆 Those were some terrible movies, all right, but can any of them break through the clutter come December, when Razzie voters are casting their ballots? It’ s only June and I already can’t remember whether The Roommate was a would-be comedy or a would-be thriller, or whether Nicolas Cage was in Drive Angry 3D or Season of the Witch. (Both, it turns out.) 這些影片的確是恐怖地糟,但到了年底,他們還可以殺出重圍,獲得金酸莓投票者 的青睞嗎?現在雖然才六月而已,但我已經不記得「危險室友」該被列入喜劇還是 驚悚片,也不知道尼可拉斯凱吉有參與演出的是「怒火狂飆」還是「魔女神兵」 (其實是兩部都有) But as a Razzie pro, I’d say this: Don’t sleep on Atlas Shrugged: Part I. It has a tiny profile, earning only $4.6 million at the box office, but it got a lot of highbrow press coverage for its awfulness. And unlike all these other movies, Atlas won’t confuse voters come nomination day. I think it might be this year’s The Hottie and the Nottie — a real Little Movie That Can’t! 但身為一位金酸莓專家,我得說:千萬別低估根據暢銷小說改編的「阿特拉斯 聳聳肩」。他的身世是不顯赫,票房也只有460萬,但他已經得到許多優質媒體的 大肆抨擊。而且不像其他電影,阿特拉司絕對不會讓投票者在提名當天搞混。 所以他很有可能會是今年的「愛上野豬妹」-一部讓你無法忘記其爛度的小片 New This "Weak" After last weekend’s disappointing positive reviews served as a death knell for Super 8’s Razzie hopes, Razzie-watchers are eagerly anticipating Friday, when two high-profile openings compete for all the raspberries. Which will be the ballsiest summer release: Jim Carrey’s crotch-centric family comedy Mr. Popper’s Penguins or Green Lantern, starring Ryan Reynolds' bulge? 在上週「超級八」讓人失望的正面評價,摧毀其入圍金酸莓的機會後,金酸莓觀察者 本週將會熱烈期待兩部被高度注目,也是暑假檔最大膽的電影,不約而同成為金酸莓 的競爭者-金凱瑞"集中在褲檔以下"的家庭喜劇「波普先生的企鵝」與疑似有激突的 萊恩雷諾領軍的「綠光戰警」。 譯按:介紹金凱瑞新片引用crotch-centric,是因為那些企鵝的身高 剛好就到金凱瑞的褲檔,但我懷疑該詞本身另有延伸的含意 Both are strong contenders for multiple nominations. I’d say that Green Lantern has the best shot, since the Razzie administration’s shocking decision not toopen discussion of Thor or X-Men: First Class for awards has left the fertilesuperhero genre wide open. 這兩部片都是金酸莓不少獎項的強力競爭者,而綠光戰警的機會又更高,因為金酸莓 評審委員會,今年很意外地並沒有開放「雷神索爾」和「X戰警:第一戰」這兩部片的 討論群組 譯按:因為這兩片的媒體影評成績都不錯,在爛番茄的滿意度都超過70% On the "Bore"-izon What a year for Razzie-watchers! Which of these maybe-terrible movies will triumph on Razzie nomination day? 今年對金酸莓影迷們還真是精采啊,那未來又有哪些可能會變得很難看的電影列入 提名名單呢? The Front-runners: Two sequels, both to Razzie-beloved films, look to dominate the nominations this winter. June 29’s Transformers: Dark of the Moon follows 2009 Worst Picture winner Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and should collect nominations for the film, director Michael Bay, Shia LaBeouf, and whoever is playing Megan Fox this time around. 領先集團:兩部備受金酸莓愛戴的續集電影,很有可能繼續在明年冬天稱霸提名 名單。變形金剛的第二集已經是2009年金酸莓的最糟影片,今年的第三集很有可能 讓導演麥克貝、男主角席亞李必夫,與取代梅根福克斯的那個女生捲入其中。 But I have a hunch even that total will be “eclipsed” by November 18’s The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1. Last year Eclipse was upset for Worst Picture by Razzie favorite M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender; Breaking Dawn’s hilarious trailer suggests this chapter should garner at least nine nominations, including dual Actor nods, Worst Actress, and two Worst Couple nominations. 但我直覺會拿到最多提名的,應該是11月中上檔的「暮光之城:破曉(上)」。 去年的蝕在金酸莓最糟影片的角逐上,輸給了耐沙馬蘭的「降世神通」。然而, 破曉那可笑的預告片,卻暗示暮光4-1至少會拿到包括兩個最糟男主角、最糟 女主角、與兩個最糟搭檔在內的九項提名 The Solid Bets: Two movies coming this summer, despite no franchise connections, have strong Razzie pedigrees and a great chance to ride bad reviews all the way to awards season. Take the Kevin James comedy The Zookeeper, which comes out July 8. The studio’s clearly hoping James will score another Blart — a movie with a stupid premise (in this case, talking animals help a guy score chicks) that nonetheless makes gazillions. I think it looks like Razzie bait for 2007 nominee James. 安全的賭注:有兩部即將上映的暑期檔電影雖然沒有系列電影的連結,但仍有很強的 金酸莓血統,而且也有很大的機會狹著強烈負評的姿態,一路邁向金酸莓。第一部 是凱文詹姆斯主演的喜劇「全民情獸」。電影公司希望他能夠像詹姆斯前作「百貨 戰警」一樣,雖然情節愚蠢(這次是會說話的動物幫主角把妹)但仍獲得極大的商業 成功。我想詹姆斯很有可能繼2007年後再次獲得提名。 And the sci-fi/Western mishmash of Cowboys & Aliens (July 29) makes it a dead ringer for one of the all-time Razzie greats: Wild Wild West, which won four awards (out of eight nominations) in 1999. 第二部則是混和科幻片與西部片的「星際飆客」,該片讓人聯想到1999年金酸莓的 大贏家「飆風戰警」 The Toss-ups: We hope Bad Teacher (June 24) will be stupid and awful, but maybe it's just shockingly funny. 機率跟扔硬幣一樣是一半一半:我們希望卡麥容迪亞的「霸凌女教師」會變得愚蠢 且糟糕,但她也有可能讓人感到意外的有趣。 The Smurfs (July 29) seems reminiscent of the dismal 1980s cartoon, but we're worried the presence of Neil Patrick Harris means in fact it's a delightful romp. 「藍色小精靈」看起來是80年代那部悲慘經典卡通的重新回味,但我擔心知名諧星 尼爾派屈克哈理斯的存在,似乎暗示本片其實會是一部讓人感到放鬆的喜劇。 And we assumed Captain America: The First Avenger (July 22) would get bogged down in uber-patriotic claptrap, but its production design does look — sigh — kind of awesome. 我們也假設「美國隊長」會在過於愛國的譁眾取寵中變成一團爛泥,但他的製作設計 看起來卻是-唉,棒透了! The Dark Horse: Don’t count out Cars 2 (June 24). The Razzies have thus far been allergic to Pixar fare, with the company’s frustratingly excellent films never achieving a single nomination in any category. But maybe this time — with an unnecessary-seeming sequel to the company’s least-beloved movie — Pixar will finally taste some sweet, sweet raspberry. 黑馬:請不要把「汽車總動員2」排除在外 雖然皮克斯一直以來都以優異的作品,讓旗下作品在金酸莓從未留下案底。然而這次, 由於汽2是該公司最不受喜愛電影的不必要續集,或許皮克斯終於要在今年嘗到一些 新鮮又甜美的酸草莓了 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 其實Dan Kois的RazzieWatch專欄已經出到第二期了 http://es.pn/jxsK8X 第二期他都把火力集中在剛上檔的變形金剛3 但我覺得第一期的文章寫得蠻有趣,所以還是決定貼在版上 雖然我並不是完全同意他的看法,不過也正因如此 我可能也會在月底之前,介紹一些我認為有希望被提名金酸莓的電影/演員與導演 不曉得各位又希望今年哪一部電影能夠提名金酸莓呢? -- 給一個願意為我付出一切且不求回報,並幫助我健康成長的朋友,願你安息(1932-2011) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sunny1991225:好酸好酸XDDDDD 07/03 10:28
sunny1991225:Atlas Shrugged真的快點拿一座吧,雖然我從來沒真的 07/03 10:30
sunny1991225:喜歡過艾茵蘭德的原著,但能把一本這麼好的小說拍成 07/03 10:30
sunny1991225:爛片真的是「功德」一件 07/03 10:31
yuhung:後面幾段pH值超低 XD 07/03 10:32
yuhung:感覺最爛女主角很可能會成為TF3的蘿西和木瓜的貝拉的戰場 07/03 10:33
foxhound1204:今年感覺都是純賺錢的片 有料的不多 07/03 10:33
foxhound1204:我想提名關雲長... 07/03 10:33
sunny1991225:今年暑假檔目前為止最好的還是X-Men...... 07/03 10:33
sunny1991225:沒有3D,甚至連IMAX都沒有 07/03 10:34
sunny1991225:「與取代梅根福克斯的那個女生捲入其中。」──這句 07/03 10:37
sunny1991225:的酸度完全不輸演技可比梅莉史翠普那句ww 07/03 10:38
ashow:今年暑假最爽的片應該還是玩命關頭5 07/03 10:40
sunny1991225:玩命關頭五和X-Men真的做掉一堆電影 07/03 10:42
sunny1991225:Super 8本來有機會的,但後半很虛弱...... 07/03 10:42
iwasdying:佩服XD 07/03 10:47
MPSSC:暑假最後希望看起來只剩米國隊長了 07/03 10:57
MPSSC:HP最終戰被鬼隱了XD 07/03 11:01
m19871006:其實從金酸莓完全對七龍珠不屑一顧的態度可以得知 沒有 07/03 11:03
m19871006:好到一定程度 金酸莓還未必想理你 07/03 11:04
sampsonlu919:哈利在爛番茄分數一向不差 應該也不會是金酸莓會損的 07/03 11:08
great1:今年的確很恐怖 暑假檔短短不到2個月的時間就有3部片讓我 07/03 11:09
great1:看到睡著 以前不曾這樣應該說好萊屋越來越退化了?! 07/03 11:10
MPSSC:今年暑期檔最有料的就屬X-MEN 其他~~~~~~~~ 07/03 11:11
sunny1991225:哈利波特一向很討影評喜歡 07/03 11:12
great1:最諷刺的FC評價最好但除了這個 一切優勢跟成果卻沒相對反映 07/03 11:13
MPSSC:FC有X3的包袱+超短的拍攝和後製時程 這種成果已經很難得了 07/03 11:14
MPSSC:話說當時Batman begins也是有急凍人的包袱 但TDK人氣整個衝 07/03 11:15
MPSSC:回來 看看第二班能否仿效TDK也來個大爆炸 07/03 11:15
great1:我所說的成果並非指影片的品質而是它在北美反應的可恨票房 07/03 11:16
MPSSC:我也是指票房 batman begins當時北美票房也不過兩億 07/03 11:17
sunny1991225:不過經過這次以後,許多人應該會更記得馬修范恩的名 07/03 11:21
sunny1991225:字了,就希望下次福斯能給他更多資源,把第二班搞好 07/03 11:22
MPSSC:馬修范恩當導演的能力甚至比辛格還好 他的後勢看漲了 07/03 11:25
sunny1991225:年底他師父蓋瑞奇要上場(誤 07/03 11:27
sunny1991225:我想看徒弟把師父打爆啊XD 07/03 11:27
xxx22088:好有趣的報導 哈 07/03 11:28
MPSSC:搞不好打爆蓋瑞奇的會是黑掉的傻笑湯XD 07/03 11:30
KENONGroup:為什麼FC拍攝那麼趕啊...?聽說劇情有跟inception打到 07/03 11:37
KENONGroup:好想看沒被刪除版.....應該很精采 07/03 11:38
sunny1991225:因為福斯只給11個月,包含拍攝、後製到最終影片都得 07/03 11:38
sunny1991225:在期限內完成 07/03 11:38
sunny1991225:那段「夢境迴廊打鬥」早在拍攝前就因為Inception從 07/03 11:39
sunny1991225:腳本裡砍了 07/03 11:39
MPSSC:MI4論商業爽片 預告片看起來還夠力 問題關鍵在傻笑湯自己 07/03 11:40
sunny1991225:MI4是考驗Brad Bird是否有拍商業大片的一次好機會 07/03 11:41
sunny1991225: 能 07/03 11:41
great1:MI4我才不管主角是誰 我只對導演有興趣 希望他在超人特攻隊 07/03 11:43
MPSSC:因為傻笑湯自己的形象是最有可能拖垮整部片的關鍵 07/03 11:44
great1:跟料理鼠王的執導能力能夠帶來真人版的動作片 07/03 11:44
sunny1991225:我期待Brad Bird,但對蓋瑞奇完全沒期待 07/03 11:46
sunny1991225:他上次的福爾摩斯雖然不糟,但真的讓我覺得他快沒招 07/03 11:47
sunny1991225:了 07/03 11:47
Bigcookie2:雷神...我覺得越想越不好看說...評價這麼高喔... 07/03 11:51
sleepyrat:雷神的高評價大部分是給編導的吧... 07/03 12:00
edd740404:影評對商業片的評價,本來就跟一般觀眾不同 07/03 12:07
killeryuan:雷神光男主角就60分了 07/03 12:15
ruffryders:感謝 07/03 12:16
LEO8099:為什麼愛情大臨演算是續集? 他的題材我第一次看過阿 07/03 12:34
sampsonlu919:樓上 他藍本取材自1969年的喜劇Cactus Flower 07/03 12:36
sampsonlu919:所以算得上是重拍沒錯 雖然大家都知道改了相當多 07/03 12:36
evilwyh:NYY躺著又中槍 07/03 12:43
gametv:他連TF3的女主角名字都不提耶XD 07/03 12:46
sampsonlu919:那個NYY是我自己加的啦 XD 07/03 12:50
wcc960:雷神我覺得有點兩極,外星宮廷兄弟鬥爭的部分很不錯 07/03 13:12
wcc960:但地球的部分單調又呆板,新科影后只是稱職的大花瓶 07/03 13:15
wcc960:感覺整齣90%的重心都在前者,後者只是隨便拍拍而已 07/03 13:17
yuhung:因為前者可說是莎士比亞文學精華的改編與濃縮 07/03 13:19
yuhung:而這部分剛好是導演的專長 自然會把兄弟與父子戲拍好XDD 07/03 13:19
yuhung:後半段納塔莉波曼對男主角的飢渴程度 則讓我有點受到驚嚇 07/03 13:20
tahikuro:FC是那部電影啊 07/03 14:22
BatmanII:X-men:First Class 07/03 15:41
RICHDAVID:取代梅根福克斯的那個女生<---金酸莓真的夠酸 07/03 18:38
erja:讚! 07/03 21:32
globekiller:聳聳肩已經上映了我都不知道=.= 雷聲大雨點小Orz 07/04 14:12
j3307002:取代梅根福克斯的那個女生XD 07/07 05:23