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Fallout: Nuka Break - Fan Film 異塵餘生電影版---核子可樂 老外玩家拍攝 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9UwlAAnlmg
Join Twig (Zack Finfrock), a former Vault 10 Dweller, as he searches the barren wasteland of eastern California for ice-cold Nuka Cola. Along for the ride is Ben (Aaron Giles), a radiation-ravaged ghoul, and Scarlett (Tybee Diskin), a sexy former slave. Together, the three attempt to survive both the harsh wastes and a relentless group of bounty hunters while trying to find the coveted beverage -- Nuka Cola. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: octobird:轉錄至看板 C_Chat 01/29 23:59 octobird:轉錄至看板 RealPlaying 01/29 23:59
scarofwind:重現度蠻高的 01/30 00:09
octobird:轉錄至看板 joke 01/30 00:31
aa25019459:女主角好正XD 01/30 01:00
patato2:太棒了! 01/30 03:48
Bigcookie2:女主角身材超級好...... 01/30 10:53
TETUO:超酷的!!水準太高了吧,有玩過的人一定感同身受 01/30 11:50
mogli:早就想看到fallout拍電影了,總是得從其他類似電影過乾癮。 01/30 13:52
Arctica:真的和遊戲好像XD 而且妹好正喔.....受不了>////< 01/30 21:28
t2162050:女主角超正!!!!!! 01/31 20:05