精華區beta mud_jy 關於我們 聯絡資訊
由前輩king大大提供 mushclient: enable strike bluesea-force (宗師skills,用來pfm busy 可以手拿武器perform strike.bo) enable force kuihua-mogong (為了普攻連擊,可不用) enable dodge none (被機關獸or將領busy到時,如果該格有其他小怪,被小怪 打到,有機會解開busy,如果沒有的話,那就busy到死) enable parry none (同上) enable blade baisheng-daofa (calldie skill) enable sword daojian-guizhen (只是為了可以hand sword...) 目前我只知道可以用baisheng去calldie 皇陵小怪 皇陵小怪,除了第二層的金人以外 連中間那格和四個down方向的小怪,都可以直接站著busy+calldie到打完 如果你是剛打皇陵的,請熟悉後再這樣做 不然請打死幾隻busy獸,離開幾秒後,再回去清 mushclient的alias: ->按了m7e就是往east一格,馬上kill機關獸、將領 再busy 機關獸、將領(只會busy這兩種) 再calldie 機關獸、將領 (先calldie 機關獸1,2,再來是將領1,2,有需要自行改) 如果都沒有這兩種,才是calldie一般小怪 實際上按一次就知道 用Send的原因是,mushclient的連續動作不一樣 用Execute的話,會慢一點,這樣有機會被busy到死 zmud就沒差了(下頁有zmud alias,執行內容相同) -----以下開始複製----- <aliases> <alias match="^m7([nsweud]{1,2})$" enabled="y" expand_variables="y" group="maze" regexp="y" send_to="12" keep_evaluating="y" sequence="100" > <send>Send("".."%1".."\\nkill bronze 1\\nkill bronze 2\\nkill bronze 3\\nkill bronze 4\\nkill bronze 5\\nkill bronze 6\\nkill bronze 7\\nkill bronze 8\\nkill bronze 9\\nkill bronze 10\\nkill jiang ling 1\\nkill jiang ling 2\\nkill jiang ling 3\\nkill jiang ling 4\\nkill jiang ling 5\\nperform strike.bo bronze 1\\nperform strike.bo bronze 2\\nperform strike.bo bronze 3\\nperform strike.bo bronze 4\\nperform strike.bo bronze 5\\nperform strike.bo bronze 6\\nperform strike.bo bronze 7\\nperform strike.bo bronze 8\\nperform strike.bo bronze 9\\nperform strike.bo bronze 10\\nperform strike.bo jiang ling 1\\nperform strike.bo jiang ling 2\\nperform strike.bo jiang ling 3\\nperform strike.bo jiang ling 4\\nperform strike.bo jiang ling 5\\nperform blade.heng bronze 1 and blade.heng bronze 2\\nperform blade.heng jiang ling 1 and blade.heng jiang ling 2\\nperform blade.heng twice\\nlook")</send> </alias> </aliases> -----以上複製----- zmud alias比較簡單,但是很久沒摸zmud了,已經忘了XDDD 可以設四個觸發,譬如m7e是過去東邊一格馬上kill +pfm m7w就是西邊,依此類推 -----以下內容----- kill bronze 1;kill bronze 2;kill bronze 3;kill bronze 4;kill bronze 5;kill bronze 6;kill bronze 7;kill bronze 8;kill bronze 9;kill bronze 10;kill jiang ling 1;kill jiang ling 2;kill jiang ling 3;kill jiang ling 4;kill jiang ling 5;perform strike.bo bronze 1;perform strike.bo bronze 2;perform strike.bo bronze 3;perform strike.bo bronze 4;perform strike.bo bronze 5;perform strike.bo bronze 6;perform strike.bo bronze 7;perform strike.bo bronze 8;perform strike.bo bronze 9;perform strike.bo bronze 10;perform strike.bo jiang ling 1;perform strike.bo jiang ling 2;perform strike.bo jiang ling 3;perform strike.bo jiang ling 4;perform strike.bo jiang ling 5;perform blade.heng bronze 1 and blade.heng bronze 2;perform blade.heng jiang ling 1 and blade.heng jiang ling 2;perform blade.heng twice -----以上內容----- 開頭就依照四個方向,再加入east,west之類的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: