精華區beta outdoorgear 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天看了一篇好文 The Science of Breathability and Its Impact on Raingear Selection and Use 裡面的結論跟我印證了個人的觀念 不必太去計較雨衣材料的透氣度 要去注意雨衣的通風設計 但是我一直不知道為什麼 那只是我個人使用後的感覺... 但是他還把科學根據算出來了 真是厲害阿 特別把他的結論po在板上 給大家參考一下 1. A water-resistant but highly breathable wind shell will always outperform a waterproof (breathable or non-breathable) garment in drier, windy conditions due to its ability to breathe significantly better. 2. Be very careful when you try to save weight on raingear by neglecting the importance of options that increase ventilation (e.g., pit zips, full length zipper) – you may be decreasing the potential performance of your raingear drastically. 3. Waterproof nonbreathable raingear with good ventilation features may provide performance comparable to waterproof-breathable raingear with poor ventilation features, and must be considered seriously, particularly since nonbreathable garments (in general) tend to be both lighter and cheaper than equivalent breathable garments. The weight issue becomes even more important if you choose to carry a water-resistant highly breathable wind shell in addition to your raingear. 所以 不必再去迷戀一些透氣數據了 當然 布料的透氣還是有差 不過本體的通風設計相形之下更為重要 好好觀察一下雨衣的本體設計吧 -- 你可以攀爬聖母峰一千次,不過他永遠也不會知道你的名字, 認清自己的無名與恐怖的後果,是登山者謙卑的秘訣、攀岩者應有的自覺 --David Breashears -- ╭──── Origin:<不良牛牧場> bbs.badcow.com.tw (─────╮ Welcome to SimFarm BBS -- From : [] ◣◣◢ ◢◢不良牛免費撥接→電話:40586000→帳號:zoo→密碼:zoo ◣◣─╯