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sorry 借打廣告一下,歡迎討論 全新 Black Diamond Viper Hammer Set (槌頭但不含手環) http://www.bdel.com/gear/alpinism/viper.php http://www.bdel.com/gear/alpinism/ice_tools.php 台灣沒進,賣七千,可議,有興趣的人請回信 想買Cobra嫌太貴,買Quark又不想跟人撞斧的人,請買這隻! 這支新曲柄的設計不同於quark,是縱向的發展,是立起的扁型, 所以咬冰瞬間的翻動的扭矩較小,流線簡潔的設計提供了更高的揮斧穩定性 然後握柄也自然的收縮到模造的靈活握把,很適合手不大的人,材質耐用 而BD這支主要設計是在運動冰攀和混和路線攀登, 如果只是要雪地縱走的話,viper 斧長只有50公分, 坦白說,BD的大烏鴉,或是camp新的XLA210 會比較適合 重量比炭纖的Cobra還要輕,曲柄是強壯的鋁合金, 不用像哥哥cobra炭纖斧柄撞到岩角就容易受傷, 如果是在台灣爬溝的話,建議Laser Pick鶴嘴銼鈍一點, 敲出火花的時候才不會這麼心疼。 真的有冰瀑或國外運動冰攀時,再換BD超咬的Fusion Pick 末端蛇牙可以外加Viper Fang,就可以不用手環啦(變身成半隻Fusion) 手環建議可以自己買細繩環夾縫薄泡棉 Diy 或是用 Android Leash($37.5) 槌頭,斧鏟備用配件國外都有,bd的東西不用擔心以後成為孤兒 By the way,她跟大烏鴉(raven pro)一樣美到不行 say sorry to grivel ~~ Climbing Magazine Review http://climbing.com/equipment/bdviper/ One-of-a-kind shaft offers exceptional clearance. By Craig Luebben Black Diamond Viper, $234 Summary: The Viper shaft’s 90-degree-rotated major axis adds space between the shaft and the tip of the pick for extra clearance. The tool’s pick is well suited for dry-tooling and a wide variety of ice conditions. Its shallow droop angle allows a natural swing, but detracts just slightly from hooking security. The grip has finger shelves and a thumb groove for control, and a comfortable pinky shelf. While using the Viper’s detachable Android leash, I could not get my hand on top of the tool to drive the spike without unclipping from the tool, and it took some practice to get proficient at clipping in and out of the tool. Pros: Good clearance. Ergonomic grip. Cons: Limiting leash system. Overall grade: A -- ╭──── Origin:<不良牛牧場> bbs.badcow.com.tw (─────╮ Welcome to SimFarm BBS -- From : [] ◣◣◢ ◢◢不良牛免費撥接→電話:40586000→帳號:zoo→密碼:zoo ◣◣─╯