精華區beta outdoorgear 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《sheiyee (不盡人意)》之銘言: : http://www.climbing.org/viewtopic.php?topic=1134&forum=29 : 原始網址如上 : For sale: : Black Diamond/ Bibler El Dorado (yellow) tent in near new condition, : use only one night (on clean snow). I paid US$650 new including the : ground cloth. Will sell for US$380. If you are up for technical alpine : climbing, you know what this tent is made for. It is the same design as : the famous Bibler I-tent but about 2 inch wider and taller, so it is : more comfortable. Constructed from PTFE Toddtex, an identical chemical : material made of Goretex. It is waterproof and breathable. I need money : to support an expedition trip that I am planning. I have more mountain : climbin gears for sale later. If you are interested, I can arrange : delivery (I am in US now). Please email me at [email protected]. : My computer can read Chinese big5 language but sorry I can't type Chinese. : clk 也許有人不習慣看英文,我稍微幫忙翻譯一下 這位仁兄,因為要去海外遠征,所以把他的bibler eldorado(含ground cloth)流血大拍賣 一個只賣$360,合台幣約12000! 而這是bibler eldorado的網址 http://www.biblertents.com/2002/itent_eldo.html 他的帳棚只有用過一次,這個價格算是蠻超值的 I-tent跟eldorado設計是一樣的,差別是eldorado比I-tent大了一點(多重4 oz) 不過有人說bibler的Todd-tex在台灣睡一睡帳棚內側仍會有水珠凝成 這點就請板上有使用過的人現身說法一下 有興趣的可以寄信去問問 -- 我已經寄信給他問說他還有那些裝備要出售了 如果他有回,我就會po在板上 畢竟有買eldorado的人,其他裝備應該都不賴才是 :D -- ╭──── Origin:<不良牛牧場> bbs.badcow.com.tw (─────╮ Welcome to SimFarm BBS -- From : [] ◣◣◢ ◢◢不良牛免費撥接→電話:40586000→帳號:zoo→密碼:zoo ◣◣─╯