精華區beta outdoorgear 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看來板主也是虛擬裝備的愛好者 (就是國內還沒引進的摸不到 或是就算引進天價之姿還是摸不到的夢幻逸品) 拿來討論討論也不錯 像我只有達新牌,不透水耐操耐刮...耐窮 如果大家都能加入延續並分享頭燈的主題一定很棒 不過忍不住還是想提一下這個我心目中很喜歡的虛擬裝備 Golite這個廠商 因為它們的概念性很吸引人 在大廠環伺下 它還是個年輕的公司 然而在自己的產品介紹中 相當具體而特別強調的一點-裝備的輕量化 輕量化人人都會提 就看理念的表達方式是否新穎 不像一般品牌 輕量產品的開發與推出 只是在單一裝備售價高昂時 成為說服你的一個理由 Golite幫使用者作了整套的與規劃(也可以說它想賺你全身的錢) 在它們的設計裡 完整的使用全系列 將會使你上山所需的全套裝備所有重量將由32pounds降至僅9pounds(約4公斤)左右 很不可思議對不 它也在自己的網頁中作了詳細的對照表解釋如何降低到這樣的標準 和包括每減輕多少負重,你的移動速度將改變多少的圖表 和輕量化在提昇登山安全時重要的地位 山野倉庫的網頁之前曾以套裝促銷裝備(背包.睡袋.爐頭.衣服....大部分是FERRINO) 標榜著輕量化加起來總重不超過20公斤 我一直在猜想這個吸引人的創意是不是源自於Golite的網頁 甚至為何要帶突兀的雨傘在網頁內文中也有說明 大家可以去看看 http://www.golite.com 輕量化的部分在 http://www.golite.com/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/philosophy/system.html?L+scstore+drny8648+1011053182 每次看它們的露宿帳 都讓我想到新凱旋門半空中那塊布 看起來既輕又立體 漂亮極了 以下節錄其網頁內文 主要是輕量化的訴求原因 還算淺白 翻譯....,以後辦個線上讀書會輪流翻如何.現在實在是被時間追趕 ============================================================== The GoLite Diet You can lose 23 pounds or more overnight and keep it off forever! Base weight not including water, food, or fuel per person, assuming 2 people hiking moderate terrain in temperate climate in Spring or Fall. Less Weight = More Comfort, Mobility, and Fun When you've carved the load on your back from more than 30 to close to, or even less than 10 pounds, you get some big dividends. For starters: no more hiking boots! With a GoLite? load, you can hike in sneakers. When you cut your load by 75% or more and free your feet, the hardships of hiking disappear. You can forget about your load and remember why you went into the wilderness in the first pla ce. Less Weight = More Safety Too, If You Know What You're Doing Properly used, lighter loads can be far safer than heavier ones. Less weight leads to far fewer stress injuries, and greater mobility means that you can adjust your itinerary to the weather more nimb ly. GoLite? and the "Ray-Way" are not about minimalism however, and we certainly do not suggest that you head into the wilderness ill prepared! On the contrary, we advocate that you be extremely well pre pared. Essential safety gear should always be taken. However, hikers and climbers are only as safe as their skills and judgment allow them to be. GoLite? gear can not save you from inept decision mak ing in the outdoors, but then no gear can. But, (Sniff) I love my Traditional Gear. Of course you do: it's attractive, you picked it carefully, and you paid good money for it. But the key question now is: is that elephantine load helping you to accomplish your goals and realize your dreams? Is it enabling you to travel through the wilderness feeling free and deeply connected to our wonderful environment? Lighten Up!? Item Conventional GoLite Pack 5.00 .75 Shelter 3.00 0.75 Sleep System 6.00 2.00 Other Equipment 6.00 2.00 Shell Clothing 4.00 1.50 Insulated Clothing 4.00 1.00 Other Clothing 4.00 0.75 Total 32.00lbs. 8.75lbs. -- Origin:<不良牛牧場> zoo.ee.ntu.edu.tw ( Welcome to SimFarm BBS -- From : [61-225-196-124.HINET-IP.hinet.net]