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看到BACKPACKER的雜誌評鑑 覺得Marmot的Windshirt不錯 就將它翻成中文 提供給 大家參考參考 Marmot DriClime Windshirt 這是一件設計非常簡單的、基本的中間層衣物。 是具有多項功能的功能性服飾,也是你戶外活動時的最佳選擇。 由BACKPACKER雜誌美國西北部的編輯John Harlin,於2002年四月一日所撰寫。 Photo by Steve Howe Marmot DriClime Windshirt我們可以將它稱為風衣中的Levi's 501! 在時代潮流的演進過程中,當舊款式的衣物被日新月異的科技所取代的同時。 一如慣例的,Marmot的DriClime Windshirt仍然是教導新兵如何去玩這場遊戲、 最具有經驗的戰場老手。Ma mot的DriClime Windshit在我們最近的戶外實地測試中, 幾近完美的功能性表現,為它贏得了近十年來,我們對衣服的測試中最高的榮譽ꄊ]Editors' Choice Gold 2002)。它為何如此的特別?你幾乎無法想像它是一件重量僅ꘊ10-ounce(284公克)的夾克!而且這僅是它絕佳性能中的其中一項特點而已。 它是一件由緊密的taffeta尼龍所編織而成,且具有排汗保暖功能(DriClime內襯) 的多功能性衣物。當我們因運動產生大量汗水,且在凜冽的寒風吹襲之下, Marmot的DriClime Windshirt依然通過嚴厲的考驗。具有極佳的收納性, 可壓縮成如拳頭般大小。它的設計是非常著重實用主義的:腋下的網狀透氣孔、 具伸縮性的袖口、單一拉鍊的胸前小口袋、背後下擺具有加長設計,可以防止因繫 背包腰帶時所產生的不便、在前面拉鍊的的背面更有擋風片的設計ꄊC在高山環境中,Marmot的DriClime Windshir結合了高功能性衣物和傳統風衣的 共同特點。 DriClime Windshirt比一般的fleece(化纖羊毛) 更加保暖、而且比一般的防水/透氣夾克還要透氣。 它具有絕佳的功能組合,就是少了重量的負擔。且比任何其他廠牌同類型衣物 更具有收納性、功能更佳。它甚至具有防小雨的效果、 即使濕了也會在極短的時間內變乾。你可以直接穿著DriClime它就如排汗衣、中層衣物、或者是夾克。 在大部分的時候,從美國北方的落機山脈到新英格蘭。 我都將DriClime穿在排汗衣(base layer)的外面,而不需要再多穿或少穿任何一件衣物 。 無論是在艱難悶熱的上坡 路段、或是在清爽的下坡中。 當我極渴望溫暖時,只要在DriClime外面披上一件fleece即可。 總而言之,如果我們的目的是要達到保暖,為何要在穿上fleece之前, 先脫掉windshirt(防風層)? Marmot現在提供DriClime的系列產品有:夾克、背心、褲子和新的Flex Windshirtꄊ]美金149元、它的特點是在側邊和前臂有彈性的設計)。 Marmot的DriClime Windshirt它經過了多年嚴酷的使用考驗。到目前為止, 沒有任何同性質的衣物可以取代它的地位 C 你行嗎? Marmot Mountain Ltd. - DriClime Windshirt - 測試總分: (超過五個健行者) 極致的演出:當我在從事一般徒步旅行、高山長途健行、 或是在寒冷且多風的雪地裡從事活動時,這件夾克使我保持在完美的溫度狀態 (單獨使用或是與其他衣物搭配)。 如果它使你感到太過於溫暖,不要懷疑拉開拉鍊。 當在戶外不活動時,請加上一層保溫層。 這件Marmot的DriClime Windshirt絕對有價值的。 測試時間:十天 測試地點:美國新墨西哥州、雅利桑那州 測試環境:冬天、沙漠中的低地和覆蓋白雪的山中。 台灣的賣價似乎比美國還便宜 2003年春夏新款好像也剛到貨 有時間可以去看看 Marmot DriClime Windshirt Very simply, this base/middle/shell layer may be the most versatile garment you can take into the backcountry. By John Harlin, BACKPACKER Northwest Editor, April 1, 2002 Photo by Steve HoweMarmot DriClime Windshirt Call it the Levi's 501 of windshirts. In an era when last year's technical garments are routinely made obsolete by this year's stuff, Marmot's DriClime Windshirt is a veteran still showing the rookies how to play. Ten years old, it ranked tops in nearly e very performance category in our recent field test of windproof tops (see "Gust Busters" in sidebar). What's so special about it? It seems lik there's hardly anything to this 10-ounce jacket-and that's just the first great attribute. A tightly woven nylon taffeta shell lined with wicking DriClime fabric, the Windshirt slashes through the eanest gusts while shedding perspiration, and it compresses to the size of your fist. The design is utilitarian: mesh armpit vents, elasticized cuffs, a single zippered breast pocket, a longer cut the back to prevent it from riding above a hipbelt, and a wind flap behind the front zipper. In the mountains, where the combination of high exertion levels and cold wind pushes the limits of tradi ional layers, the DriClime shines, providing more warmth than standard fleece and breathing much better than a waterproof/breathable jacket. All this comes for much less weight and bulk than any com ination of garments that could do the same. It'll even shed a light rain, then dry in minutes. You can wear the DriClime against your skin, as a middle layer, or as a shell. Numerous times, from the northern Rockies to New England, I've pulled the DriClime over a base layer and needed nothing more or less, whether chugging uphill or cooling off going down. When more warmth was desired, I'd yank on a fleece over the DriClime. After all, when the goal is to warm up, why take off the windshirt before putting on the fleece? Marmot now makes a DriClime hooded jacket, vest, pants, and a new Flex Windshirt ($149) featuring stretch fabric at the sides and forearms. But nothing has replaced the original-nor will you, because this diehard endures years of hard use. The kicker: The DriClime Wind hirt costs just $20 more today than when it was introduced. Write a field-based equipment review and share your experience with other backpackers. >> Submit Your Own Review Marmot Mountain Ltd. - DriClime Windshirt - Overall Rating (out of five hikers) Marmot Mountain Ltd. - DriClime Windshirt Overall Rating: Performance: When hiking, backpacking, or snowshoeing in cold and/or windy conditions, this jacket kept me at a perfect temperature (alone or w/a synthetic T). Just unzip if it gets too warm. Okay at camp but more insulation needed if not active. Gets too hot around 70 (w/breeze). Definitely worth every penny. Days spent testing: 10 Locale(s): New Mexico, Arizona Condition(s): winter; desert lowlands, snowy mountains Review by swtraveller, Saturday, March 23, 2002 -- ╭──── Origin:<不良牛牧場> bbs.badcow.com.tw (─────╮ Welcome to SimFarm BBS -- From : [NK218-187-15-144.2-4.pl.a] ◣◣◢ ◢◢不良牛免費撥接→電話:40586000→帳號:zoo→密碼:zoo ◣◣─╯