精華區beta outdoorgear 關於我們 聯絡資訊
美國知名戶外雜誌 OUTSIDE 的年The Gear of the Year度評鑑出爐了 得獎名單如下: Tents: REI Roadster $129 Sleeping Bags:Marmot Fusion 15 $189 (台灣代理商今年冬天會引進) Shoes:Vasque Velocity $80 (台中鄉野情東海店和台北山水 皆有) Stoves:Optimus Crux $70(已引進台灣) Cameras:Olympus Stylus 300 Digital $399 Backpacks:Osprey Aether 75 $239 Hiking Boots:The North Face Trek Light Leather GTX $150 Jackets:(storm shells) Helly Hansen Storm $120 soft shells):Patagonia Core Skin $249 Bikes:Specialized S-Works FSR $4,880 Kayaks:Riot Air $1,125 Racks:Saris Cycle-On $299 for two-bike version, $540 for four Luggage:Victorinox E-Motion 360°26-inch Trek Pack Plus $345 詳請請參考以下網站: http://outsideonline.com/outside/gear/bg2003_1.html -- ╭──── Origin:<不良牛牧場> bbs.badcow.com.tw (─────╮ Welcome to SimFarm BBS -- From : [NK218-187-12-196.2-4.pl.a] ◣◣◢ ◢◢不良牛免費撥接→電話:40586000→帳號:zoo→密碼:zoo ◣◣─╯