精華區beta outdoorgear 關於我們 聯絡資訊
This is an interesting topic! To be honest, I don't think outdoor clothing is more expensive than those clothes in department stores (at least in the States), considering it lasts longer and its multi-function. It really worths every penny. You don't have to go backpacking in order to wear outdoor clothes, people need them for running, biking and other outdoor workout. At least that's what I observed here. I have a friend wearing North Face from top to bottem but he is not active, nor does he do any outdoor activities. But he looks slim in the winter, to some people it is very important. Outdoor market is big here, more people buy them, more R&D people would make better gear. So if you need outdoor clothing, just go for it! After all, its your choice, and that's not other people's business. : 只是這樣看在各位眼裡是不是浪費了這些好物........ : 不然每次走進登山用品店都不敢跟店員說我只是想穿的舒服而已...... : 不知道有沒有跟我一樣類型的人..... : 還是大家覺得這一類型的人根本不需要用到登山服飾呢???? : 謝謝...... -- Final Frontier http://www.littlePo.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
garyfang:好險看的懂 orz 12/17 16:36
ting928:sorry to type in English, can't type in Chinese now .. 12/17 16:38
danka:100 percent agree...but the gears are really lot cheaper 12/17 17:05
danka:in US, that's definitely make some difference.. 12/17 17:07
Butuok24:big push!! outdoor "wind"XD 12/17 19:31