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Septra, Bactrim Linked to 'Serious' Side Effects By Michael Smith, North American Correspondent, MedPage Today Published: October 11, 2011 Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco and Dorothy Caputo, MA, RN, BC-ADM, CDE, Nurse Planner Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) 又稱 Septra, Bactrim 等 (譯按: 或者在台灣常聽到的 - Baktar ),是一種被廣泛使用的抗生素,而根據文獻回顧 指出,此品可能與輕微甚至是潛在致死性的副作用有關。 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole -- a widely used antibiotic sold as Septra, Bactrim, and others -- has a set of adverse reactions that range from minor to potentially fatal, according to a literature review. 此品於 1968 年現世,並由於其價格便宜、有效與容易使用而廣受歡迎。 - Joanne Ho, MD, and David Juurlink, MD, PhD, both of the University of Toronto The drug was introduced in 1968 and is popular because it's cheap, effective and familiar, according to Joanne Ho, MD, and David Juurlink, MD, PhD, both of the University of Toronto. 雖然病人對 TMP-SMX 通常具有良好的耐受性,但其可能與許多潛在性的嚴重藥物 不良反應有關。 - Ho and Juurlink reported online in Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ. Although the drug is usually well tolerated, it is "associated with several potentially serious adverse reactions," Ho and Juurlink reported online in CM. 臨床醫師應該充分認知其潛在風險,並在投予 TMP-SMX 之治療期間監測病人之藥 物不良反應發生情形,或在適當的狀況下改用其他替代抗生素進行治療。 "Clinicians should be cognizant of the potential consequences of prescribing trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, monitor patients for adverse events during therapy, or use an alternate antibiotic when appropriate," they concluded. 縱然在這幾十年間, TMP-SMX 是如此不可思議的被廣泛使用著,但另一方面,它 的缺陷同樣廣為週知。 - According to Brad Spellberg, MD, an expert on antibiotic issues at the University of California Los Angeles. On the other hand, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole "has been an incredibly useful workhorse antibiotic for decades" and its limitations are well known, according to Brad Spellberg, MD, an expert on antibiotic issues at the University of California Los Angeles. 此藥物的價位並不昂貴,而它能廣泛分布於身體各個組織中,並對許多型態的感染 症都具有相當好的療效。而其副作用發生率是較低的。 Spellberg 表示:「我用它治療過好多好多病人啊~ 在這幾十年來,對很多醫師來 說,它非常安全又有效的啊~ 」 The compound, "is inexpensive, gets into all body tissues well, and is very effective at treating many types of infections," Spellberg told MedPage Today in an email. And the adverse events are relatively rare, he added. "I have treated many, many patients extremely safely and effectively with this drug, as have tens of thousands of physicians for many decades." 爲探討 TMP-SMX 的副作用,Ho 與 Juurlink 搜索了 1950 - 2011 年間的醫藥文獻 ,從超過 900 篇的參考文獻中篩選至 70 篇,包括病例報告、自願受試者研究和隨 機分配之試驗等,以探討其安全性議題。 To pin down the adverse reactions, Ho and Juurlink conducted a search of medical literature from 1950 to 2011, eventually winnowing more than 900 citations down to 70 articles, including case reports, volunteer studies, observational studies, and randomized trials, that shone light on possible safety issues. 他們發現,最常見的藥物不良反應為 rashes, fixed drug eruptions, drug-drug interactions (DDIs) & hyperkalemia。 其中最常見的是 rashes & fixed drug eruptions (3%)。 The most common adverse effects, they found, are rashes and fixed drug eruptions, drug-drug interactions, and hyperkalemia. The rashes and fixed drug eruptions occur in about 3% of patients, the researchers reported, and are some of the most common adverse effects of the drug. 此外因為 TMP-SMX 會影響 cytochrome P-450 的兩個 isoforms ,可能會減少或增 強其他經由相同路徑代謝之藥物的代謝,影響範圍包括了口服降血糖藥 (oral hypo- glycemic agents, OHAs) 和 Warfarin,因此,藥物交互作用是 TMP-SMX 的一個大 問題。 譯按:TMP-SMX 會影響 CYP3A4 和 2C9/10 這兩個 isoenzymes Some drug-drug interactions occur because trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole affects two isoforms of the cytochrome P450 enzyme system, and may reduce or enhance the effects of other drugs that are metabolized by the enzymes, including oral hypoglycemic agents and warfarin. 舉例來說,TMP-SMX 會增加 sulfonylureas (SUs) 的血中濃度,從而增加 insulin 的分泌而造成低血糖。此外,相較於其他抗生素,當 TMP-SMP 併服 warfarin 時, 則可能會導致腸胃道出血機率增加。 TMP-SMX 也會影響包含 methotrexate (MTX) 在內的許多藥物在腎臟之清除率。 For instance, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole increases levels of sulfonylureas, leading to an increased release of insulin and hypoglycemia. As well, taking the drug with warfarin leads to increased risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage compared with other antibiotics. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole also affects renal clearance of several drugs, including methotrexate. 在一篇隨機分派研究中,約有 6% 的病患接受 TMP-SMX 治療後出現高血鉀的症狀 (定義為血中鉀離子濃度高於 5.5 mmol/L),此外有高達 81.5% 的病人出現血中 鉀離子濃度增高的狀況,指出鉀離子濃度過高是 TMP-SMX 用於治療時可能預期的 潛在性之致命藥物不良反應。 Excess of potassium is a "predictable and potentially fatal adverse effect of treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole," the researchers argued, noting that in a randomized trial, 6% of patients experienced hyperkalemia -- defined as serum potassium greater than 5.5 mmol/L -- and 81.5% had an increase in serum potassium. 研究指出這些病人的高血鉀大部分是在數天內發生,並合併有其他風險因子如糖尿 病、腎功能不良、年齡較長者、AIDS 和併服某些會抑制鉀離子排除的藥物,如 ACEIs 和 ARBs 等。 The hyperkalemia takes several days to build up, and risk factors include diabetes, renal insufficiency, older age, AIDS, and drugs that inhibit excretion of potassium, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers, they reported. 其他較不常見或罕見的藥物不良反應包括: - 神經學症狀:無菌性腦膜炎,幻覺,震顫和步態不穩 - 降低氧氣的攜帶能力和其他血液學異常:血色素變性和惡質血液 - 藥物過敏:發燒,皮疹並可能侵犯內臟器官等。而臨床人員很容易誤解此發燒是 因為感染症所致而誤判。 - 生殖毒性:高膽紅素血症,出生體重較低之嬰兒 (SGA) 以及畸胎。 - 腎功能 :急性腎間質腎炎,阻塞性腎小管病變與低血鈉。 Uncommon and rare adverse reactions include: - Neurologic events, including aseptic meningitis, delirium, tremor, and gait disturbances - Decreased oxygen- carrying capacity and other hematologic abnormalities, including methemoglobinemia and blood dyscrasia - Drug hypersensitivity, with fever, rash and internal organ involvement. The fever can fool clinicians into thinking they are dealing with infection. - Reproductive toxicity, including such effects as hyperbilirubinemia, small-for-gestational-age babies, and structural malformations - Kidney effects, such as acute interstitial nephritis, obstructive tubulopathy, and hyponatremia Primary source: CMAJ Source reference: Ho JMW, and Juurlink D "Considerations when prescribing trimethoprim– sulfamethoxazole" CMAJ 2011; DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.111152 Linkage of Original Article: http://0rz.tw/1gxpt MedPage News: http://www.medpagetoday.com/PrimaryCare/PreventiveCare/28976 -- ┌ 暗戀--->時間久---->痛苦--->結束 朋友---->喜歡─┤ ┌ 失敗--->避不見面--->痛苦-->結束 (常在一起) 表白 ┤ ┌ 戀愛-->日久無趣-->痛苦-->結束 (掙扎) 成功 戀愛-->移情別戀-->痛苦-->結束戀愛-->結婚-->更大的痛苦-->無法結束 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MikeFreeway:Rash跟高血鉀啊.....嘖嘖... 10/12 23:07
pharmawind:麥克自由路大 塊說說你的見解嘛~ (敲碗) 10/12 23:50
oceanweaver:baktar+ACEI幾乎是死亡交叉等級的DDI,病人反映噁心時 10/13 00:32
oceanweaver:幾乎都要建議去測個鉀 10/13 00:33
saitoTK:好文! 10/13 16:11
sarahlo:借版訴個苦~我們家sevatrim出好多事... 10/14 23:48
MikeFreeway:小的不敢....Orz 我現在臨床很薄弱...... 10/15 21:32
MikeFreeway:個人是知道rashes的問題,至於高血鉀比較陌生。 10/15 21:33