精華區beta pharmacist 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/812153 By Niklas Pollard STOCKHOLM (Reuters) Oct 07 - Americans James Rothman and Randy Schekman and Germany's Thomas Suedhof won the 2013 Nobel medicine prize for their work on how hormones are transported within and outside cells, giving insight into diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer's. 美國人James Rothman,Randy Schekman 和 德國人 Thomas Suehof 贏得2013諾貝爾 醫學(藥學?)獎。 他們研究出荷爾蒙如何在細胞內和細胞外傳輸,藉此洞察出許多的疾病,像是 糖尿病和阿滋罕默症。 Schekman discovered a set of genes that were required for vesicle traffic. Rothman unravelled protein machinery that allows vesicles to fuse with their targets to permit transfer of cargo. Suedhof revealed how signals instruct vesicles to release their cargo with precision. Schekman發現控制囊胞運輸的一組基因。 Rothman合理解釋了,蛋白質藉由囊泡運送的機制,將其內容物以囊泡融合的方式傳送。 Suedhof精確地了解,釋放內容物之訊號 是如何傳遞給囊泡的。 Rothman is professor at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, Schekman is a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, and Suedhof is a professor at California's Stanford University. The Nobel Committee said the work of the three scientists had great implications for neurological conditions as well as conditions affecting key organs. 諾貝爾委員會評審們認為,這三位科學家在神經學上 以及 影響器官中關鍵的狀態 上, 有卓越的影響力。 "Without this wonderfully precise organization, the cell would lapse into chaos," the Nobel Assembly at Sweden's Karolinska Institute said in a statement when awarding the prize of 8 million crowns ($1.2 million). 「沒有這些完美精準的器官,細胞可能會一團糟」 在Sweden's Karolinska機構中,當諾貝爾獎得主們拿到了1.2百萬美金後所說。 "Through their discoveries, Rothman, Schekman and Suedhof have revealed the exquisitely precise control system for the transport and delivery of cellular cargo," the committee said. 經由他們的發現,Rothman、Schekman和Suehof揭示出,細胞運輸極為細緻準確的控制 系統。 For example, their research sheds light on how insulin is manufactured and released into the blood at the right place at the right time, the Nobel committee said. 諾貝爾委員會評審說: 「舉例來說,他們的研究解開了如何在正確的地點 和 在精確的時間上 將胰島素分泌在血液之中。 "These beautiful discoveries have importance for the understanding of the human body and obviously implications for diseases in various organs such as the nervous system, diabetes and immune disorders," Jan-Inge Henter, professor of clinical child oncology at the Karolinska Institute, said at a news conference. Karolinska機構臨床腫瘤小兒科教授 Jan-Inge Henter 談關於這個新研討會: 「這些完美的發現,對於了解人類身體和各種不同器官疾病的治療,是非常重要的。 像是神經系統,糖尿病和免疫疾病。」 From left to right: James Rothman, Randy Schekman, and Thomas Suedhof. Courtesy of Yale University, James Kegley/Wikimedia, and Steve Fisch/Stanford University School of Medicine Their work centered on the vesicle system by which cells take up nutrients, move substances around and release chemicals like hormones and growth factors. 他們研究重心放在囊泡系統,這些細胞是如何吸收、移動這些營養物質,並釋放出化學 物質像是荷爾蒙和生長因子。 "There are many organs where this is important," said Henter. Henter說道:「有許多的器官是非常重要的」 "For quite some time, it's been known that this is important in the signaling between neurons, that is nerve cells. We have billions of nerve cells and they have to communicate with each other and they do so with this vesicle transport system," Henter explained. 「在某些時刻,我們了解神經細胞在神經元間的訊息傳送,是非常重要的。我們有數十億 個神經細胞,他們介由囊泡傳遞系統,彼此之間相互聯係。」 "Now, we've realized that this is also important in for instance diabetes, because we know that insulin is released by these vesicles and we know that the immune system is regulated also by this vesicle transport mechanism," Henter added. Henter補充: 「現在,我們了解了這種機制,對糖尿病也是一樣的重要。因為我們了解胰島素的釋放 方式是藉由囊泡系統,而且我們也了解了免疫系統同樣也是藉由囊泡系統。」 Medicine is the first of the Nobel prizes awarded each year. Prizes for achievements in science, literature and peace were first awarded in 1901 in accordance with the will of dynamite inventor and businessman Alfred Nobel. 每年都首先公布諾貝爾醫學獎。 依據1901年起,炸藥發明者,同時也是商人的諾貝之遺願, 諾貝爾的獎項包括科學成就、文學成就與和平。 ===以上文章自翻,練練英文,有誤請指正,感想如下=== 昨晚看到寶傑哥他們談到這議題,西屏的比喻很妙啊! 全世界最快最準時的快捷公司,就是人類的身體。 糖尿病就像是客戶,快捷公司把貨品送到你家,你客人就拒收。 而這次的諾貝爾得主,一個找到快捷公司是誰,一個找到貨運司機,一個找到 貨運司機怎麼把貨物交到客戶手上。 既然明白了機制,皆下來藥廠的科學家/藥師 假如能發明出新藥的話, 糖尿病和阿滋罕默症就容易治"癒"了。 最近好像新聞都是在吵鬥爭,諾貝爾獎好像很少提到 xD 分享給大家 :D 10/08的關鍵時刻應該下週就會流出到youtube上吧~ 大家可以看看 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: johnnyjaiu 來自: (10/09 16:41) ※ 編輯: johnnyjaiu 來自: (10/09 16:42)
pharmawind:太用心太感人了~~!!! 推推 m 起來~ 10/10 02:36
johnnyjaiu:喔喔~ 謝謝版主 :D 10/10 08:58
MikeFreeway:這比喻不錯XDD 10/10 21:47