精華區beta poem 關於我們 聯絡資訊
很久以前,我遇過一個女人 她的髮色烏黑如墨 你是心靈的老師嗎? 她温柔地說了聲不 越過海洋,我遇見一個女孩 她的髮色明亮如金 你是心靈的老師嗎? 是,但不是你的 我遇過一個瘋人 在那些我追尋的荒煙之地 「跟我來」,智者說 可他走在我身後 我走進醫院 那裡没人生病也没人痊癒 晚上護士離開後 我根本無法走路 早晨,中午 晚餐時,一把手術刀 擱在我的銀湯匙旁 一些女孩誤闖 手術刀割壞的傷口 你是我心靈的老師嗎? 「我們教導蒼老的心靈碎去。」 某天早上我獨自醒來, 醫院和護士都消失了 我所鑿刻的,是否足夠,我主! 「孩子,你是塊骨。」 我吃啊吃啊吃 一碟菜都沒有浪費 恩,這些晚餐值多少錢? 「我們會帶着恨意打包。」 我遍灑我的仇恨 灑在每份工作每張臉孔上 有人為我祝福 而我渴望一個擁抱 好幾個女孩擁抱我,接著 我被男人擁抱 我的情感是完美的嗎? 「不,再來一次。」 我英俊又强壯, 我熟知每首歌的歌詞 我的歌聲取悦你了嗎? 「没有,你唱的歌詞都錯了。」 是誰,我說話給誰聽 ? 誰能記下我的懺悔? 你是我心靈的老師? 「我們教導蒼老的心靈休息。」 哦!老師,我的課題结束了嗎? 我無力繼續下一個課題。 他們笑啊笑說: 「恩,孩子, 你的課題結束了嗎? 結束了嗎?」 Teachers Leonard Cohen I met a woman long ago her hair the black that black can go, Are you a teacher of the heart? Soft she answered no. I met a girl across the sea, her hair the gold that gold can be, Are you a teacher of the heart? Yes, but not for thee. I met a man who lost his mind in some lost place I had to find, follow me the wise man said, but he walked behind. I walked into a hospital where none was sick and none was well, when at night the nurses left I could not walk at all. Morning came and then came noon, dinner time a scalpel blade lay beside my silver spoon. Some girls wander by mistake into the mess that scalpels make. Are you the teachers of my heart? We teach old hearts to break. One morning I woke up alone, the hospital and the nurses gone. Have I carved enough my Lord? Child, you are a bone. I ate and ate and ate, no I did not miss a plate, well How much do these suppers cost? We'll take it out in hate. I spent my hatred everyplace, on every work on every face, someone gave me wishes and I wished for an embrace. Several girls embraced me, then I was embraced by men, Is my passion perfect? No, do it once again. I was handsome I was strong, I knew the words of every song. Did my singing please you? No, the words you sang were wrong. Who is it whom I address, who takes down what I confess? Are you the teachers of my heart? We teach old hearts to rest. Oh teachers are my lessons done? I cannot do another one. They laughed and laughed and said, Well child, are your lessons done? are your lessons done? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 註:取自Everyman's Library pocket poet: Leonard Cohen poems and songs p 67 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/poem/M.1462204826.A.735.html
sunrise1202: . 05/03 01:03
holishing: , 05/03 01:32
sea35: 05/03 04:01
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fly3344kimo: . 05/03 11:07
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sammyijjf: . 05/03 22:28
miserneo: 喜歡這首詩,謝謝你的翻譯 05/03 22:34
makatub: 哈哈 大家不棄嫌 謝謝 ^O^ 05/03 22:50
ankhplay: 推 05/03 23:06
※ 編輯: makatub (, 05/04/2016 00:07:04 ※ 編輯: makatub (, 05/04/2016 12:17:55
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hateforever: , 05/07 01:47