精華區beta politics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 KMT 看板] 作者: GOJAM (LIFE) 看板: KMT 標題: Re: 台灣本來就是獨立的吧 時間: Fri Mar 11 06:53:16 2005 ※ 引述《daofei (法□)》之銘言: : 那你不要引用台灣媒體的新聞啊 : 最好直接是俄羅斯的 : 誰不知道那些媒體引用之前與引用之後會發生什麼樣的變化 這個之前在兩國板與政治板已經辯過了 貴國網友原先想混淆視聽,舉一些似是而非的東西替中國辯解,結果被台灣網友慘電 你要外國媒體的資料是吧 底下一堆啦 希望中國人要懂得羞恥 不要趁人之危以後還要硬拗 「On Wednesday, China refused permission for a Russian military rescue team to fly over Chinese airspace on its way to Taiwan, on the grounds it preferred non-government agencies such as the Red Cross, to assist its province of Taiwan.」 http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/sep1999/taiw-s25.shtml 「International impediments continue. The Russian rescue team was delayed by 12 hours because the People's Republic of China would not permit passage through their air space. 」 http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/workshop/2001/s27.html 1999.9.29 Indeed, TASS-ITAR reports from Moscow on Tuesday, September 21, indicated that the Russian rescue team was delayed waiting "for a go-ahead" from Beijing which apparently never came. As such, TASS-ITAR said, the team's flight " made brief stops in Irkutsk and Khabarovsk" en route to Taiwan rather than overfly Chinese airspace. TASS-ITAR also commented that "a Russian medical team was ready to go, but the Chinese government officially asked only for rescuers." Taiwan's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jason Chih-chiang Hu also accused China of "violating international humanitarian principles and totally unacceptable to the 22 million people of Taiwan"by holding up a United Nations effort to coordinate the disaster aid. http://www.chinaonline.com/features/taiwan_wrpt/open/c9093020taiwan811.PDF 「In addition, the Government of China interfered in an outrageous way with the provision of humanitarian aid to the people of Taiwan at this very difficult time. It interfered in a number of ways. It rejected the request of the Russian rescue team to enter Chinese airspace, which resulted in a lengthy delay of some eight to twelve hours. It insisted that all relief had to be channelled through the International Red Cross of China. Finally, in a very insulting way, the Government of China thanked the world community on behalf of Taiwan for the very generous response that many countries had made. This was an unacceptable insult to the people of Taiwan and indeed to the Government of Taiwan. 」 http://www.parl.gc.ca/36/2/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/016_1999-11-02/han016_1910-e.htm Foreign teams rushing to help Taiwan victims The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry, a remarkable post-Soviet creation, is contributing 74 crack rescuers and four dogs trained to find people trapped under debris. Russia earns desperately needed cash when such operations are carried out under contract to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. But Russia asks for nothing for other mercy missions Russia also wanted to send medics to Taiwan, but Beijing asked Russia only for rescue teams, according to the ITAR-Tass News Agency. Russia is attempting to strengthen its ties with China. http://www.turkishdailynews.com/old_editions/09_23_99/for2.htm As usual for China, politics quickly took command. It was most unfortunate that Beijing decided to set no exception even at a time when the Taiwanese were sparing no efforts to rescue victims buried under the rubble of collapsed buildings. The following is just a list of selected outrageous reactions of China to the Taiwan earthquake: 1. China’s political meddling at the UN led to the delayed sending of a UN relief mission to Taiwan. 2. China informed Taiwan that Beijing’s prior approval was required for any United Nation assistance. 3. The Chinese Red Cross Society asked Red Cross branches of other countries to consult with it before they decided to offer assistance to quake-stricken Taiwan. 4. China’s Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan took advantage of an opportunity during a UN meeting on September 22 to promote China’s position that Taiwan is a part of China by expressing gratitude for international humanitarian aid " on behalf of the Taiwan people." 5. Beijing refused to grant the Russian earthquake relief mission en route to Taiwan to pass through the Chinese airspace. Forced to make a lengthy detour over Siberia, the Russian team’s arrival in Taiwan was delayed for 12 hours. 6. On September 27, Jiang Zemin renewed threats to take Taiwan by force in a speech he delivered to US business leaders attending the Fortune Forum in Shanghai. http://www.siue.edu/EASTASIA/chen_102199.htm 2002.4.18 http://policy.house.gov/html/news_item.cfm?id=67 When Taiwan appealed to the World Health Organization during the crucial hours after the quake struck, politics once again stymied the international response. The PRC demanded that the United Nations obtain its approval before sending aid and assistance to Taiwan, halting critical emergency relief. For 10 hours, a Russian rescue team waited for the United Nations to obtain Beijing’s approval for its application. Worse, Russian airborne rescue assistance was further delayed by 12 hours (and forced to make two unnecessary refueling stops) when the PRC denied an air corridor to the team, thus requiring the aircraft to make a lengthy detour over Siberia. "Taiwan Earthquake" Resolution introduced in the House http://www.taiwandc.org/nws-9939.htm Whereas, according to published reports, the delivery of aid for Taiwan by a Russian rescue team was delayed by 10 hours as the team waited for the United Nations to approve its application; Whereas, according to published reports, the Russian rescue team was further delayed when the Government of the People's Republic of China denied an air corridor to the team, thereby forcing the aircraft to make a lengthy detour over Siberia and to make two extra unnecessary stops for refueling, and thereby further causing a 12-hour delay in the rescue team's arrival during the initial, critical 72-hour rescue period; US House Shows Support For Stricken Taiwan http://www.yam.com/921e/relief100103.html "If that is the case," he said, "of course, that is abominable." Christopher Cox (R-California), chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, called it "tragically ironic" that the government of Beijing "literally got in the way" of Russian aid intended for Taiwan. A Russian plane carrying search and rescue experts had to divert and take a longer route in order to get to Taiwan because they did not have clearance from the Beijing government to cross its airspace, he said. Taiwan Communique No. 88, November 1999 http://www.taiwandc.org/twcom/88-no2.htm To add insult to injury, China's Foreign Ministry offered thanks to various nations that sent rescue teams, under the pretense that it was representing Taiwan. It was also reported that the Russian rescue team that headed for Taiwan was not allowed to land and refuel in China. The Russians had to take an extended route through Japan to refuel thus delaying timely rescue. http://www.mac.gov.tw/big5/mlpolicy/cschrono/8810.htm#006 六、中共拒絕俄震災救援隊員及隨行記者借道來臺協助救災。 外交部亞西司司長陳國璜八日在外交部表示,俄救援隊員及隨行記者證實, 該隊九月廿一日原欲借道中國大陸「空中走廊」,儘速來臺協助救災, 惟遭到中共拒絕,迫使該隊專機改道,繞經西伯利亞及日本方抵臺灣, 滯延了救人的黃金時間。 中央社:俄救援隊員證實中共阻礙前往臺灣救難 (中央社記者張弘光莫斯科二日專電) 這次俄羅斯救援隊等候十四小時,希 望獲得中共同意經中國大陸領空飛往臺灣,最後仍未成功,被迫繞經日本 走所謂的「胡志明走廊」,即前蘇聯對北越空運物資的路線。   俄羅斯救援隊員昨晚在感謝餐會中講出這段經過,他們說,根據他們 的儀器偵測,很快掌握到臺灣發生非同小可的地震,立即就有前往救援的 計畫,沒想到卻因政治問題耽誤時間,這次到臺灣沒能救出活人,是救援 行動的最大遺憾。   救援飛機走「胡志明走廊」一事,俄羅斯「今日報」的隨隊採訪記者 伊琳娜九月三十日在其臺灣震災的專題報導中也就此進行深入報導。據悉 ,在五○年代初期,中共與蘇聯交惡,蘇聯支援北越物資都是繞經日本, 這條空中運輸路線就稱?「胡志明走廊」。 ( 1999.10.02 中央社 ) 俄救援隊證實「確有中共干擾」 (1999.10.9, 聯合報) http://www.future-china.org/fcn-tw/199910/tw-cn9910-1.htm 中共在台灣人民的傷口上撒鹽 / 李怡 【蘋果日報】1999/9/27 http://www.future-china.org/fcn-tw/199909/c88092808.htm 若不打招呼,中國還會不會如章啟月所說的「予以配合」? 俄羅斯為台灣派出救援飛機,要求中國提供空中走廊,卻遭到北京拒絕, 以致俄羅斯飛機必須繞道西伯利亞,並在伊爾庫斯克和伯力加油, 為此救援隊整整延遲了十二小時才抵達台灣。 俄羅斯《今日報》引述俄羅斯外交部的說法指出,俄國的主要目的是救人, 在分秒必爭的救援行動中,過長的政治判斷是沒有必要的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
shohow:推! 03/11
jeromec:硬ㄠ的嘴臉,真的很難看...XD 03/11
CDRW:謝了,幫忙找Orz 03/11
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
olenew:這篇應該m起來放進精華區裡218.172.142.176 03/11