精華區beta prozac 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You SHOUT to show your care while we were NOT. But it DOESN'T mean we DON'T care. We're just TOO scared to say it LOUD, or MOVE a lot. We're not “COLD blood”. DON'T blame us for that ---- ya i drink a lot these days but i won't say a word to any one about any thing thank you very much. that's the way i AM. and maybe that's the way i'LL die. HA ---- comes to me~ whisky~ by flying-mouse at Guanshan feeling alone -- 您有想清掉的雜物嗎? 太多用不著、丟掉又可惜的東西想找個好歸宿? , , 穿不下的衣服、用不到的文具、玩具、娃娃、贈品堆太多不知怎處理嗎? 歡迎來Ptt-Charity公益板逛逛,將可用的物資捐給有需要的單位, ╰ *** 讓您不需要的東西,給最需要的人珍惜,既清空間又可做好事,一舉數得! /\ 市民廣場 → 3.PttAction → 3.PttActivity → 4.Ptt-Charity 公益板邀您一起做公益! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DividBud 來自: (01/21 21:14) ※ 編輯: DividBud 來自: (01/21 21:15) ※ 編輯: DividBud 來自: (01/21 21:16)