精華區beta puzzle 關於我們 聯絡資訊
題目網址: http://www.puzzleup.com/2016/ http://www.puzzleup.com/2016/puzzle/?10 答題時限: 9月29日7PM-比賽結束(約12月14日) 加分時限: 9月29日7PM-10月4日6:59PM 答對可得基本分100分。答案可上傳5次,每改1次答案從基本分扣20分。  比賽期間內可隨時上傳答案,加分時限內答對第n天加(6-n)分        另依題目的難易有額外加分(如有80%的人這題答錯,答對者加80分)   ◆CUBE TRAVEL http://www.puzzleup.com/2016/img/puzzle/2016/10.jpg
You will make a travel through the edges of two cubes connected by their vertices as shown in the figure. - You will start on A, and finish on B. - You can visit the vertices more than once except the finishing vertex B. - You can't pass through the edges more than once. In how many different ways can this travel be done? Note: Two travels having same edges in different order will be considered as different. 你將從上圖這兩個立方體在一個頂點相接的圖形的邊上進行移動。 - 路線從 A 開始,到 B 結束。 - 除了 B 之外的任一頂點皆可以經過多於一次。 - 任一條邊不能經過多於一次。 試問如此的移動有多少種不同的走法? 注意: 兩個走法若僅是經過的邊順序不同依然視為不同走法。 ==== 是的, 2015 Q9 幾乎一字不改只改圖形... 然後我現在才發現我 2015 Q9 整個解錯題意 (死) (雖然後來那題不算分了但... -- 'Oh, Harry, don't you see?' Hermione breathed. 'If she could have done one thing to make absolutely sure that every single person in this school will read your interview, it was banning it!' ---'Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix', P513 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/puzzle/M.1475074721.A.573.html
Django: ...... 09/28 23:13
buffalobill: 寫程式算好之後發現數量有點多,用筆算會很辛苦 09/29 15:07