精華區beta skating 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.66club.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=5614&fpage=1 作者:板板 下面是一段設計者SEB的採訪對話 You asked me : What is the main idea about the MX slalom skate you are making? 你們問我:你們設計MX 平花鞋的主要思路是什麼? The "slalom skate" won't be only a slalom skate, it will be the skate with which "inlineskate addicts" will be able to get the most pleasure. 這雙「平花鞋」不將只是一雙繞莊專用鞋,它能夠為「單排輪的狂熱份子」帶來最大的樂 趣。 We start from freestyle slalom because it is the disciplin where we ask the most to the skates, if skates are good for slalom, they are good for everything else, and even better for the beginners since they will be able to learn faster, and better ! 之所以我們從平地花式來設計這雙鞋,是因為平花對鞋的要求更高,如果一雙鞋適用於平 花,那麼它就可以適用於其他的所有玩法,甚至可以使初學者學得更快與更好。 Now, all the brands are making skates only for "beginners", softer and softer, it's very confortable, but useless ! 現在,所有的品牌都只為初學者設計新款,鞋身越來越軟、越來越舒服,但不實用。 Skating is so fantastic, it's a sport where "freedom" is the main feeling, with the new mx skates, the skaters will be able to do whatever they want on skates, fast moves, turns, jumps. Not only straight and fast, but everywhere and faster, with confidence and control, to make skating like an art. 輪滑是一項充滿激情的運動,在這項運動裡最大的感受是「自由」,穿MX的新款輪滑鞋, 輪滑者可以想怎麼滑就怎麼滑,衝刺,轉向,跳躍。不僅在速滑方面,做任何都會更快, 擁有自信和控制能力,使輪滑變的好似自由飛翔。 What's inside ? 內部結構是怎麼樣的? It's simple ! Hard boot of course , for precision and response, but designed to be lighter and more resistant. 很簡單!當然是硬鞋,做工精細而且很跟腳,但是設計的更輕更耐磨。 The frame, in a more resistant material, will be adapted to the size of your feet,but you will be able to change it for longer or shorter one, as you like ! 刀架,用了更堅固的材料,適合你腳的尺寸而定,可以將長度放長或縮短,按照你自己的 喜好! You can customize your skates, as you like to skate. 你可以按照你所從事的輪滑項目,定製你的鞋。 With the slalom skates project, MX wants to develop the skates and permit to any skaters to increase their level and to create their own style ! 通過平花鞋這個項目,MX 希望這雙鞋能給予所有輪滑愛好者能夠更很好地提升技術以及 發展自我風格! Inspiration for life ! feet,but you will be able to change it for longer or shorter one, as you like! 刀架,用了更堅固的材料,適合你腳的尺寸而定,可以將長度放長或縮短,按照你自己的 喜好! You can customize your skates, as you like to skate. 你可以按照你所從事的輪滑項目,定製你的鞋。 With the slalom skates project, MX wants to develop the skates and permit to any skaters to increase their level and to create their own style ! 通過平花鞋這個項目,MX 希望這雙鞋能給予所有輪滑愛好者能夠更很好地提升技術以及 發展自我風格! Inspiration for life ! 為生活創造靈感! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: