精華區beta soul 關於我們 聯絡資訊
======================讀者來函========================= I think that all your essaies are reasonable and great! Did you really do it?Practice it? You need more practice and being the stilling as long as possible.Thinking how to tell others what you are, just a kind of wasting your time. You would not feel peaceful by the way. Hope you peaceful! ======================讀者來函========================= 這篇非批踢踢的讀者來函,還真有異曲同工之妙…… 說的也對啊!以後就別浪費時間誤人誤己了,少寫證量以外 的東西了,不過自己證量的東西也未必正確啊!那以後好像也沒 什麼可寫了…… ※ 編輯: ilanese 來自: (06/26 14:30)
Uchiha:提出自己的觀點大家聊一聊也好 彼此討論彼此一起進步 06/26 14:41
silencej:別這麼說嘛 就當作過程分享咩 讀者的話 也沒說你不好哩 06/26 15:46
WingKnight:分享才能化異求同~畢竟大家都還在學習~真理必是相同的 06/26 15:54
skywingsc:嘗試錯誤也是種學習。越害怕犯錯越不易明白錯是什麼。 06/26 19:58
silencej:推樓上~ 這就是常聽到『失敗為成功之母』之白話文版... 06/26 21:33