精華區beta stationery 關於我們 聯絡資訊
謝謝大家 不好意思 來晚了~ 收信時間只到10/13 23:30喔~ 謝謝:))) 以下請來站內信告訴我~ 收件人姓名/收件地址(含郵遞區號喔~) 想要我在明信片上寫些什麼 我會寄三張給你喔(含2張空白) blueskymaple mirkcross loverice19 perhapshaha price69 vconquer ppaagg chumua rainny615 asd7486 amazing0512 ray198904 ruby861105 sinsun j666lai 以下沒有抽到的如果你也要想收到的話也請來站內信~ 我也會寄一張溫暖的明信片給你~ 一樣收件人姓名/收件地址(含郵遞區號喔~) 想要收到的內容~ lindy jjmmvov lurve000 QUEENO yy0412 walking11 ohatu HuJouYen qoo31232002 linnom 總之 謝謝大家~ ----- 各位版友大家午安~ 長久以來在文具板感受到大家的溫暖,也被默默的推了好多坑。 夢想有一天房間可以被滿滿的文具包圍(太多) 總之...想要寫明信片送給大家,因為也很喜歡手寫的溫度(會有人想要嗎???XD) 除了我寫的明信片,會再多給兩張一樣的,所以你會收到三張。 你可以收著,也可以寄給想鼓勵的人。 那來講一下規則吧~ 在下方箭頭回應報數並寫一段自己最喜歡的英文俚語跟我分享,隨機抽出15個贈送喔~ 例如:1,the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. 截止時間: 2016/10/12(就是今晚) 22:00 公佈時間: 2016/10/12(還是今晚) 23:30 最後附一下明信片本人的真面目~ 正面 http://imgur.com/akv8Y8g 背面 http://imgur.com/azsbKBU 板友請使用""箭頭推文 贈送文具:明信片 領取方式/地點:你的信箱 聯絡方法:站內信 備 註:請見規則吧~ 板友請使用""箭頭推文 -- 世界是一本書,不旅行的人只讀了一頁。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/stationery/M.1476242144.A.BF8.html
perhapshaha: It never rains, but it pours. 10/12 11:29
loverice19: If you'd be loved, be worthy to be loved. 10/12 11:33
lindy80220: some people feel the rain,other just get wet. 10/12 11:33
ruby861105: 2.Courage is not proof of strength but an act of p 10/12 11:34
ruby861105: ersistence. 10/12 11:34
sinsun: 5,pull oneself up by one's bootstraps. 10/12 11:47
jjmmvov: I'm a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. 10/12 11:57
chumua: 7,the people you believe are better than the people y 10/12 12:00
chumua: ou love. 10/12 12:00
lurve000: It is never too late to be what you might have been. 10/12 12:24
lurve000: --George Eliot 10/12 12:24
QUEENO: 9,漑nly if you asked to see me 10/12 13:35
QUEENO: our meeting would be meaningful to me 10/12 13:35
yy0412: 10, Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in 10/12 13:44
asd7486: Suffer濳he漤ain漑f餸ISCIPLINE漑r澵uffer濳he漤ain漑f嘞 10/12 13:44
yy0412: how far you can go. 10/12 13:44
asd7486: Suffer the pain of DISCIPLINE or suffer the pain of R 10/12 13:45
asd7486: EGRET. 10/12 13:45
rainny615: 12.Every cloud has a silver lining. 10/12 14:33
ray198904: 13 . Life is a flower of which love is the honey. 10/12 14:45
vconquer: I came, I saw, I conquered. 10/12 15:22
walking11: 14.What happen to a dream deferred? Does it dry out 10/12 15:45
walking11: like raisin in the sun? 10/12 15:45
ohatu: 15.If you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver li 10/12 16:32
ohatu: ning.(只要你擁有正面力量,就有機會找到烏雲後的曙光。) 10/12 16:32
ppaagg: 16. No beauty is like the beauty of mind. 10/12 16:58
ppaagg: 補箭頭 10/12 16:58
HuJouYen: 17. There is only one way to avoid criticism: do not 10/12 17:12
HuJouYen: hing, say nothing, and be nothing.(不願被批評的話, 10/12 17:12
HuJouYen: 你就只能什麼都不做、不說,最後自己什麼都不是。)很 10/12 17:12
HuJouYen: 喜歡這段亞里斯多德的話XD 10/12 17:12
qoo31232002: 18. If you are humble, nothing will touch you, ne 10/12 17:24
qoo31232002: ither praise or disgrace, because you know what y 10/12 17:24
qoo31232002: ou are. 10/12 17:24
price69: The only way to get better is to surround yourself wi 10/12 17:52
price69: th people who believe in you! 10/12 17:52
blueskymaple: 20 Cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice. 10/12 18:12
mirkcross: 21.There will be no shadow should you face the sunl 10/12 19:17
mirkcross: ight 10/12 19:17
linnom: 22.i am a kind of paranoid in reverse , I suspect peop 10/12 19:50
linnom: le of plotting to make me happy 10/12 19:50
j6666lai: 23,咗hen one door shuts,another opens. 10/12 19:53
amazing0512: 24.If you'd be loved, be worthy to be loved. by O 10/12 22:00
iamsunnylin: 謝謝大家的分享~ 10/12 22:14
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asd7486: 謝謝已寄信XD 10/13 08:04
※ 編輯: iamsunnylin (, 10/13/2016 11:29:18 ※ 編輯: iamsunnylin (, 10/14/2016 12:56:41 ※ 編輯: iamsunnylin (, 10/14/2016 13:04:22