精華區beta sttmountain 關於我們 聯絡資訊
sometimes 我訂了 1/24-2/7 的票. 對了, 問一下, 曼谷到喀比有沒有火車可以坐啊? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < mitsuisi// 真的是 酷哥前腳來 伯修後腳走.. 你們兩對的時間真是配的剛剛好.. 旅館訂了沒??我們是訂Railay Bay Bungalows.. How to get there Planes You can fly from Bangkok to Krabi daily or you can fly to Phuket, there is one an hour but it is 3 hours to Krabi. In 2003 the price was 2500 THB. Thai Airways and PB Air Both offer flights Trains There are trains but this is a pain in the arse as it is not cheap and goes to Surat Thani not Krabi, which means another 3 hours in a bus across Thailand in order to get to the boat. I tried this once and it was a killer. Automobiles You can get a VIP bus either from Sai Tai bus station or a cheaper one from the Khao San Road - the main travelers hangout in Bangkok. The VIP bus is great and a sleeping tablet makes the 12 hours fly by. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < sometimes : mitsuisi// : 真的是 酷哥前腳來 伯修後腳走.. : 你們兩對的時間真是配的剛剛好.. : 旅館訂了沒??我們是訂Railay Bay Bungalows.. 對了, 伯修的時間是在何時? 我本想訂早一點的, 但是機票都只剩後補了. 待我到喀比時應該已經1/25下午了吧. 機票倒是算便宜的, 只是不知道到時開的出來否. 我們是窮人, 介紹一下 Railay Bay Bungalows.. 好吧? 一晚好多錢? 怎麼住, 幾人房? 我可能得帶4個難纏的女生過去包括我女友, 只住一間我可能被趕到廁所睡. 還有, 以下的資料哪來的? __________________________ How to get there Planes You can fly from Bangkok to Krabi daily or you can fly to Phuket, there is one an hour but it is 3 hours to Krabi. In 2003 the price was 2500 THB. Thai Airways and PB Air Both offer flights Trains There are trains but this is a pain in the arse as it is not cheap and goes to Surat Thani not Krabi, which means another 3 hours in a bus across Thailand in order to get to the boat. I tried this once and it was a killer. Automobiles You can get a VIP bus either from Sai Tai bus station or a cheaper one from the Khao San Road - the main travelers hangout in Bangkok. The VIP bus is great and a sleeping tablet makes the 12 hours fly by. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < mitsuisi.. 伯修他們是訂 1/20~1/24 的.. 旅館是清大宏祥他們訂的... 我也不知道好不好ㄟ... 不過他們以前去過喀比了..應該不會太誇張吧.? Railay Bay Bungalows,兩人房一天好像1900, 加一個人多650 or 700, 共訂了兩間,兩人房住兩個人實在是蠻貴的, 尤其我們(我、我哥、宏祥、佩璇、中憲、小黑夫婦)住十幾天, 乘一乘價差蠻多的 所以目前是打算前幾天五個人塞一間、兩個人(夫婦)一間.. 後來小黑太太(她是來玩的..)回去後,再改成3、3分配.. (好吧..我承認5個人塞2人房很扯..這種壞習慣一定是在camp4養成的.. 不過當初只有中憲確定全程會去,多訂一間划不來, 而且搞不好有其他台灣攀岩的人會去,可以一起住。 大不了帶帳棚睡沙灘就是了...) 伯修的房間是他另外訂的.. http://www.krabiholiday.com/ 從這個網站好像可以訂.. 你要不要問問台大當時去時住哪裡.. 我也想要又便宜又大碗的.. 你問的資訊 這裡找的.. http://www.simonfoley.com/climbing/index.htm 重貼..蒼鷹登山資訊網.. http://wanghh.cti.8d8d.com/index.htm 英文不好的 有中文喀比介紹..