精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在此把我的模板分享給各位 我用___代表討論主題 ~~~代表文章內容 ===代表聽講內容 In this set of materials, the reading passage and the listening passage are both discussing about ______. However, they respond differently to the issue of _____. The following are the three main differences between the auther and the speaker. First of all, the reading passage mentions that ~~~. In the author's opinion, ~~~ . In contrast, the listening passage believes that =====. The speaker's point of view is that =====. Secondly, the author discuss that ~~~. In addition,~~~. In contrary, the speaker finds that =====. Furthermore,=====. Thirdly, the author accounts that it is ~~~ that ~~~. Besides,~~~. However, the speaker illustrates that it is ===== that =====. In other words, =====. To sum up, the author and the speaker share difference of opinion over the issue of _____. In the end, the author indicates support for the idea, while the speaker is opposed. 其實在考試的時候主要是要把彼此對應的主題抓到 再順著模板寫下去 字數會在不知不覺中往上衝... 只怕時間不夠用而已~ == 祝大家考試順利囉~ ^_____^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ppbow:推一個!! 11/29 19:01
ceec:推推推!!! 11/29 19:10
lucky1218:謝謝 :) 11/29 19:21
phyc:謝謝~~真是太感謝啦...^^ 11/30 01:00
momopeggy:有下有推!!謝謝 11/30 01:01
pontiffdavid:感謝! 您是好人!! 11/30 06:47
peterdj:thanks 12/02 01:30
upflutter:轉錄至看板 TOEFL_iBT 12/13 20:00