精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(已爬文) 最近收到我的學校來信: International Student and Scholar Services will need a financial verification form, attested by a notary public prior to issuing your visa documentation. Would you be able to provide an attested copy of your Financial Verification Form? The form previously provided has not been attested by a notary public. 請教版上諸位先知... 請問 attested by a notary public 是指說要去公證的意思嘛? 財力證明算嗎? 我應該要請銀行開公證, 還是去法院公證呢??? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pross:所以我必須去公證就是了...? @@ 05/28 17:44
jalongg:法院公證 05/28 18:47
imatt:嗯,可以找法院公證,現在也可以找民間公證人公證。 05/28 19:20
song100:希望對您有幫助 http://Now.to/1l1 07/01 13:33
dk99:希望對您有幫助 http://www.94istudy.com 10/15 23:00