精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
提供我的經驗供您參考 我曾看到某學校說ielts成績可抵TSE與TOEFL,潛意識便一直以為每家都可以如此。 填另一校申請表時心血來潮跟他確定到底可不可以抵,他卻說該校規定不承認IELTS。 查TSE,最早可報名的考試日期是2/18(考前2個月是報名deadline), 我整顆心都涼了...但還是不死心寫信說明台灣考區的狀況, 也很誠實的說成績3月才會寄到(BUT該校3月初就會把結果公佈)。 對方回說太慢了,而且TSE很重要...但還是准許我先報名, 然後趕快報考TSE。 前幾天我收到他寄來的信,說我所有資料還差TSE, 我很客氣回信並想補救辦法(因為是自己理虧不能把問題丟給別人), 信的內容我貼在本篇最後,有興趣可以參考一下。 對方後來回說,"沒關係,只是提醒你一下。" 讓我覺得還滿溫馨的... 每個學校認可TSE的重要性不同,辦事的風格也不同, 有靈活如YALE,有規矩如Stanford,有回信很不客氣如... 最重要的是你快寫信or CALL該科系(or admin office)說明情況, 看看如果沒有TSE是否仍舊可以申請, (答案應是YES,因多數科系都認為TSE是排後面的決定因素, 所以除非你的application有披荊斬棘,進入最後的round才會用到) 申請學校其實是很聽天由命的事, 有沒有希望往往不是自己能控制的。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your kind notification. I have consulted you about a month and half ago about the TSE which I wasn't able to register in time because I was abroad. However you still encouraged me to process my application and at the same time register for the test as soon as possible so when I tried the earliest test I could take is the Feb test, and I would honestly tell you that the result would arrive in March. I know this is a serious delay but at least this is what I could make up for at the moment. I regret not being able to submit my TSE in time and I beg your pardon. The score at hand relating to my spoken English is my IELTS score which you have informed me that Stanford do not accept but if it is still useful please let me know, and I would order a report sent from the British Council within the shortest time. Again, thank you very much for your kind notification. -- Siempre pienso en ti--Mi Pais. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: star2000 (昨夜風) 看板: studyabroad 標題: Re: [問題] UIUC要考TSE?? 時間: Sun Jan 15 22:40:06 2006 關於TSE UIUC給我的回覆如下 雖然他們強烈建議我去考 但我還是沒考 不知道會不會影響決策就不知了 Our University requires that any student awarded a teaching assistantship meet the requisite spoken English requirement. This can be accomplished in one of two ways, an acceptable score from the TSE or an internal Speak Test. An applicant that does not or cannot provide the TSE can be considered by the faculty for admission. It could impact the admissions decision if the faculty had concerns regarding the applicant's English ability. If they feel comfortable with the applicants' English, they may offer admission and then require that applicant to take the internal Speak test. Whether or not it impacts the decision process greatly is undeterminable at this point. You are welcome to provide additional information regarding your English ability if you desire. : ※ 引述《Yasb (緊張)》之銘言: : : 我明天正準備要把東西寄出去了說 : : 現在正在一一看有沒有東西漏掉的 : : 結果就看到 : : 我所申請的系所 要我們寄TEOFL & TSE成績單的COPY : : 他是這樣說的 : : "For all applicants whose native language is not English, please sent a : : copy of your Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Test : : of Spoken English (TSE) scores to our department" : : 這下好了 : : 我現在才看到 更別說我有考過這個TSE了 : : 我想請各位大大給我ㄧ點意見 : : 現在我還沒SUBMIT線上申請 : : 可是我其他東西都準備好了 : : 請問 我是要為了這個TSE放棄這所學校嗎 : : 還是 就投投看呢...>"< : : 可是放棄了好不甘心啊... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: