精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看大家好像還是很多疑問,那麼就在這裡試填給大家看 但如果版主覺得這樣不大好就麻煩刪掉,謝謝 (再補充一下,這個適用於所有使用Texas Common Apply系統也就是applytexas) Year Year Year Age Class Level Type of School Certificates, Diplomas in schoolor from thru Degrees Earned 1st 1988 1989 7 1grade primary 2nd 1989 1990 8 2grade primary 3rd 1990 1991 9 3grade primary 4th 1991 1992 10 4grade primary 5th 1992 1993 11 5grade primary 6th 1993 1994 12 6grade primary Diploma 7th 1994 1995 13 7grade secondary(或 Jr. H. Sch.) 8th 1995 1996 14 8grade secondary 9th 1996 1997 15 9grade secondary Diploma 10th 1997 1998 16 10grade secondary(或Sr. H. Sch.) 11th 1998 1999 17 11grade secondary 12th 1999 2000 18 12grade secondary Diploma 13th 2000 2001 19 Freshman University(或Undergrad.) 14th 2001 2002 20 Sophomore University 15th 2002 2003 21 Junior University 16th 2003 2004 22 Senior University Bachelor 如果有唸研究所 17th 2004 2005 23 1grade Graduate 18th 2005 2006 24 2grade Graduate Master 如果說是國中畢業就唸五專然後再插大唸大學的話 16~20歲的class level 就填入 1grade~5grade type of school 填入College 得到的學位大多是Associate 以上是一般正常情形下都適用 其他若是中途有重考休學或是先工作後才又繼續唸的 就要自行斟酌了 以上僅供大家參考 並非絕對 大小寫無所謂,因為儲存後系統會自動全部轉成大寫 要填1grade 還是grade 1都可以 希望有幫到大家忙.... ※ 編輯: singchi 來自: (12/18 22:45)
soletilla:我也是這樣填的^^ 12/19 00:57
isreal:謝謝你喔! 12/19 17:28