精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Wall Street Journal調查結果 業主最愛聘用PSU畢業的學生 新聞稿見 http://tinyurl.com/28qpo9g 排名如下 (前二十五名見 http://tinyurl.com/24dzmqp ) 1. Pennsylvania State University 2. Texas A&M University 3. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 4. Purdue University 5. Arizona State University 6. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 7. Georgia Institute of Technology 8. University of Maryland, College Park 9. University of Florida 10. Carnegie Mellon University 這也是一個選校參考 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
briangwang:有NCSU耶,出頭天了~ 09/14 23:03
BLUECOAT:只有CMU一間是私立的? 09/14 23:09
ron0908:有寫原因嗎,好奇~ 09/14 23:46
Recruiters say graduates of top public universities are often among the most prepared and well-rounded academically, and companies have found they fit well into their corporate cultures and over time have the best track record in their firms. Employers also like schools where they can form partnerships that allow them to work with professors and their students, giving them an inside track when it comes time to make offers for internships and jobs. ※ 編輯: senlin 來自: (09/15 00:04)
hint: 母校推~~~ 09/15 00:33
clarkchang:不過對於沒身份的國際學生,這個排名看看就好 09/15 01:32
cpt:沒看細節內容 不過推測這是以under為主 研究所的結果可能不同 09/15 02:28
pest:昨天在公司已經跟同事戰過一輪了...裡面也有MIT..但CMU最貴XD 09/15 02:41
Godzilla28:的確評論是以under為主 http://0rz.tw/d4qCp 09/15 02:48
Godzilla28:不過調查算是很大樣本 大號公立學校似乎佔便宜了 09/15 02:51
KeeperOf7Key:MIT可能都變業主了所以排名落後XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 09/15 05:06
coloru:UIUC 國際學生還是沒辦法啊~~~ 09/15 08:51
willieliao:剛剛從CMU RECURITING回來,公司超多學生更多..好累 09/15 11:57
cpt:今年recruiting event比前幾年熱鬧好多啊 09/15 12:36
BMHSEA:Penn State推! 09/15 13:27
Quickspace:人多吧 psu人爆多的 09/15 17:18
rekan:ASU!! 09/16 13:46