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我目前大四 打算申請2008秋季班的master degree 也是要和大學部一樣繼續念統計 最近在蒐集各學校的資料 看到Cornell有MS 還有Master of Professional Studies (MPS) 我看MPS的申請門檻很低 還不需要GRE的成績 並且不用考試 也不用thesis 只要一年就可以拿到學位 有沒有人可以幫我解答一下MPS到底是什麼阿 是類似那種在職進修的課程嘛? 附上他解釋的一段話 The M.P.S. is intended for persons who want a short-term (one year) master's degree so as to go into business, industry, or government statistical work. The M.P.S. is not equivalent to an M.S. on several counts: the M.P.S. has a project (a large-scale data-analysis project) rather than a thesis or a qualifying exam (which would be the case for an M.S.). The mathematical probability/statistics component of the M.P.S. is less than it would be for an M.S. (which would be considered the first part of a Ph.D.). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
axyl:who want a short-term (one year) master's degree 09/18 23:53
jonash:MPS for work MS for possibly PHD 09/19 02:55
jonash:some company just want to see Cornell on your certifica 09/19 02:56
salutary:MPS是就業導向的program,MS是學術導向的program 09/19 11:47
salutary:MPS修30學分加一個project可以畢業,如果你課修多一點可以 09/19 11:50
salutary:1年畢業,學生大多1~2年畢業 09/19 11:52
salutary:還有正常情況下你申請不到他們的MS,因為他們基本上不收 09/19 11:53
salutary:只唸MS的學生,他們只收要唸Ph.D的學生,Ph.D學生收進來都 09/19 11:55
salutary:是MS/Ph.D program,如果過資格考,就是博士候選人,如果沒 09/19 11:59
salutary:過或不想唸了,且滿足MS的修業標準,就給你MS學位 09/19 12:01
salutary:補充一下,除了必修,你什麼課都可以修,你可以全部都修Ph.D 09/19 12:07
salutary:的課 09/19 12:07
fakeadason:真是太感謝你們的回答^^ 09/19 13:59
dk99:希望對您有幫助 http://www.94istudy.com 10/15 03:04
iam88:希 03/24 16:32