精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近看到大家開始在面試 那我也來分享一下去年申請Ph.D. Program in Public Affairs, Indiana University- Bloomington 被問到的問題好了! 希望對大家有點幫助 ------ meeting date: 3/5 11:00 AM (EST time) (所以是台灣的晚上12點,skype) admission date: 3/5 6:00 pm (EST time) (早上meeting完下午就發admission了!) questions: 1. u are studying a phd program in ur country? if you get our admission, you would choose to stay in your country or study abroad? 2. you mentioned you want to research social welfare policy, but socail welfare is big. what kind of social welfare would you likt to research ? 3. you have got gov. funding, but we like phd students to work with our faculties,like teaching classes. but i know some scholarships don't allow this(ex fulbright) would your scholarship have this kind of limit? 4. are there any professor u want to study with? 5. do you have questions to ask me? 我其他朋友被問到的問題大概像... 1. introduce urself (for 3 minutes) 2. what do you like to research in the future (the more specific the better) 3. your strength? why should i give u the admission ? 4. why do you apply for our program? how many schools you have applied? 我自己面試前有做功課,針對大家常見的問題做準備 還找了IUB畢業的校友幫我預口試(還滿有效的) 祝大家金榜題名! -- 這世界沒有對錯 我們都只是在尋找一個極限 逼近那最適當的一點... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yenine 來自: (02/21 11:53)
forrester:this program is excellent 02/21 13:10
reminiscence:awesome program! 02/21 18:43