精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是剛出爐熱騰騰的心得文,我剛結束了長達二十分鐘的 Phone Interview。 先特別感謝版上前幾篇的心得文分享,讓我準備起來把握十足 XD 我申請的是 Michigan State University, Statistics Ph.D. 跟我面試的教授是一個韓國籍的教授。 剛好今晚上演中韓職棒大戰,我家也上演中韓電話大戰... 一開始我以為他會要我自我介紹,結果他自己先自我介紹了 (這哪招... = =) 只問了我的名子是不是 XXX,我只能回 Yes, I'am! Nice to meet you Prof. xxx 第一個問題:Why are you interesting in our program? and how do you know our program? 第二個問題:What coursework you had done? 包含大學和研究所修過什麼課 第三個問題:What Statistics/Probability field you are interested in? 另外想要念的比較應用的還是比較理論的? 第四個問題:畢業之後想要做什麼類型的工作?走學術 or 去業界? 第五個問題:你還有申請哪些學校? 最後就是讓我發問的時間。 大致上流程是這樣,中間還閒聊了一下 MSU 的 TA,RA 還有 grader 要怎麼申請。 一進 MSU 要先考英文,成績高的話可以當 TA (好像要前 75% 吧?沒聽得很清楚) 成績不好的話只能當 grader (打分數的?希望我沒聽錯) 如果太低的話還會要求你上英文課或被踢出 program... Followship & Scholarship 要進去以後才可以申請,所以我猜應該是要先付學費的? 另外是,第五個問題幾乎每間學校都會問,因為他們不想要浪費時間在已經收到 其他學校 offer 的學生身上。所以這部分你只要誠實回答就可以了。 他們會想要電話面試一方面是看英文的口語能力, 另外一方面是要確認你是不是真的想去他們的 program 唸。 最後我想說的是,不要擔心你的英文太爛,要 interview 好緊張之類的。 跟我 interview 的韓國教授我覺得他的發音比我還爛... 光是要聽懂他的口音我就覺得有點吃力。 另外附上我整理好教授可能會問的問題集, 這是我參考版上的有被問過的問題按照順序整理出來的, 希望能幫助到以後也要面試的人。 Question List: *Common Questions 1. Please introduce yourself and your educational background. 2. How much you are interested in our program? Why are you interested in our program? How do you know our program? 3. What (your major) field you are interested in? 4. What coursework you had done? 5. Which teacher you are interested in? Have you done any research related to his/her research? *Career: 1. Why do you choose US to study? 2. What job will you do after graduation? Your further plan? Your short-term goal & long-term goal? *Application: 1. Which other programs have you applied? What are other schools that you have applied to? 2. What other places are you considering for your graduate education What have you already heard from them? *Research & SOP: 1. Please describe your research experiences in detail. State your research experience. 2. Have you thought about your research topics? *Background: 1. What is about your extracurricular and leadership experience? 2. What do you perceive to be your main strength? Your main weakness? Most difficult in your life? 3. What properties make you distinguished from other candidates? 4. Why do you change your major from A to B? (apply for different program) *Work experience: 1. State you past working experience: 2. State your teamwork experience: *Course: 1. Which course intrigues you? Which part? 2. Which courses have you focused on? 3. What course did you take in your last year of college? *Scholarship: 1. What is your financial support? 2. Will you study here without scholarship? *Other: 1. How do you learn English? 2. Introduce Taiwan 我的建議是把上面的題目全部先練習過,這樣被問的時候你會很有心理準備, 也比較容易聽得懂對方再講什麼。 假設真的口條不順的話就把它全部寫下來貼在牆上, 被問到的時候直接找答案開始念就好了 XD 另外再附上一些你可以提問的問題。 1. How many years have your Ph.D. students completed their studies in average? 2. Do I have the chance to be a T.A. or a R.A. there? 3. What other background do I need to prepare before entering graduate school? 最後祝大家申請順利! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Chris7462:在我打這篇文章的時候中華隊輸了........ 03/05 23:36
k24618099:推~好專業喔 03/05 23:44
alfredo92222:恭喜! 03/05 23:46
Atletico:清流 03/05 23:52
ywwang:感謝分享 03/06 00:18
Linethan:恭喜 希望我們都能通過口試得到錄取:P 03/06 00:57
Chris7462:打完這篇文章後一個小時收到其他學校的rejection WTF... 03/06 01:08
Linethan:我昨天也是一樣XD 03/06 01:10
Chris7462:樓上也加油,希望你也申請順利! 03/06 01:14
※ 編輯: Chris7462 來自: (03/06 04:15)
kitedolphin:感謝分享:) 03/06 07:03
Organizer:希望你能錄取 人在這 這是個好地方 03/06 07:35
Organizer:MSU要TA要考口說 考不過要去上課 然後上課會給你測驗 03/06 07:36
charli:ITA orientation最後一天就會去考試,可以考兩次。 03/06 11:10
charli:ㄧ學期ㄧ次,第一次如果沒過但是還不是TA系上不會強制要求 03/06 11:11
charli:再考ㄧ次,不過我這是生物可能不一樣,生物以RA居多。 03/06 11:12
charli:基本上如果你要開始接TA前還是沒考過,你TA就會被取消。 03/06 11:13
Chris7462:我想問如果拿到 TA 的話學費會減免嗎?昨天忘記問教授了 03/06 11:49
Organizer:基本上應該學校規定有就不用學費 系上會出 03/06 12:17
Organizer:當然詳細是要看你的package 收到綠取就會有 03/06 12:17
Chris7462:感謝樓上,希望我能快點收到學校的 offer 03/06 13:11
Organizer:希望你能來 03/07 12:21
Chris7462:我今天收到 offer 了 with TA :D 03/07 14:06
Linethan:恭喜!! 不是才面試完 這麼快就收到了! 真羨慕T_T 03/07 17:22
Chris7462:老實說我也滿意外的,真有效率。樓上加油啊!要有信心 03/07 21:50