精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛結束和NYU Linguistics的Skype interview 我的背景是McGill BA in Linguistics with honours 我申請了四所語言學的PhD program,以往這幾所據我所知很少做interview 這似乎是NYU今年新加入的審核方式,所有進入shortlist的人都會被interview 和我訪談的人是Richard Kayne(!)和一個年輕教授 他們有webcam,我穿的很隨便就沒裝了 板上比較少申請語言學的人,趁記憶猶新分享一下我們聊了什麼 他們沒有要我自我介紹,一開始是要我討論一下我undergrad thesis的內容 我一開始有點不穩,講的有點亂 不過Kayne問了一個我可以完全掌握的問題之後就比較冷靜下來了 之後談了很多我的田調經驗,他們對我這麼早就有田調經驗似乎很感興趣 包括我為什麼選擇做泰雅語,還有田調通常是如何進行等等 另外因為很多語言學Ph.D. program的兩個qualifying paper是要做不同領域的 我主要是做句法,他們問我有沒有想過另外一個paper可能的主題是什麼 我剛好上學期做了syntax/semantics interface的東西(comparatives) 我田調時也好奇有問了幾個句子,所以我就稍微談了一下這一部份 此外也順便提到我現在在中研院當RA,還有我一些和少數語言有關的非學術經驗 整個訪談其實是滿輕鬆的,也不時有笑聲,Kayne還問我會不會喜歡紐約(我其實不喜歡XD) 以下是我問的幾個問題,他們回答的相當的詳盡 1. How many graduate students are you advising now? What are they working on? 2. What kind of syntax research is going on in the department? 3. Will the students have an opportunity to work as a TA and when? 4. How much freedom do students have in choosing their research topics? 5. Does the department expect students to focus on one main area or does it expect students to be a bit more versatile? 6. How's the field method course like in the dept? What kind of languages have you investigted in the past? 以下是我準備好但後來沒問的問題 1. What are the faculty-faculty and student-faculty collaboration like in the department? (沒問這個因為他們間接回答了) 2. How big is the entering class on average? How many students graduate every year on average? Of those who dropped out, what were the reasons? 3. What proportion of the alumni continutes to work as a professor or a full-time researcher in linguistics? What are your most recent PhDs doing? 4. How many people in the department do fieldwork regularly? (也回答了) 5. What are the things in my profile that you're most interested about? 6. How many international students are there in the department? 7. How big are the classes offered by the dept? (應該愈小愈好) 8. How many years does it take on average to finish the program? 9. Are there reading groups that discuss specific topics regularly? How often does the dept invite speakers from other schools? 10. Do professors teach undergraduate courses regularly? (If no, 代表學生的TA load會很重) 11. How and when do I choose an adviser on a more permanent basis? 12. Is the stipend sufficient to cover both the tuition and most of the living expenses? 13. Are there any summer grant that students can apply to, e.g. grant for doing fieldwork? 以上分享 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Rizzi:推! 感謝分享! 02/02 01:01
kaihsyn:很有收穫 感激 02/02 03:35