精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
作者: harryfish (harryfish) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [分享]Phone Interview with Oxford University- Physics 時間: Tue Feb 24 23:17:53 2009 我是申請 DPhil course at Atomic and Laser Physics, University of Oxford 有兩場面試 提供給現在或是以後要申請的同學 問題非常專業,建議一定要熟讀原子物理以及光譜 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/harryfish/10931582 精簡版 (第一次口試 一位教授) 1. Why DPhil? (Dphil 等同於美國的PhD) 2. Future plan? 3. What courses did you take in your last year of college? 4. Have you taken Quantum Mechanics class before you went to U.S. as an exchange student? 5. What are other schools that you have applied to? 6. Research (以下是針對我的領域 基本知識以及研究細節的問題, 所以申請者應該不會被問到相同的,可以參考他問的詳細程度) a. What is precession? b. Why would not spin align with the external field? c. What is magnetic angular momentum? d. What is the transition line for a Potassium atom? e. What is the mechanism for that transition? f. What are the mechanisms that you may think of for spin relaxation? g. What is the limitation for spatial resolution? What are factors responsible for it? h. How do you stable the power of laser? i. What is PID control? Do you know the limit for PID for which failed to catch up the fluctuation? What is the source of your noise? j. What kind of laser do you use in your experiment? k. What are the purposes for using an Electro-Optical crystal in your experiment? l. Explain your detection system. m. How do you increase the spatial resolution? .................................................................................................... My Questions (While Prof described his research) 1. What are the applications for your research? Significance? How do you increase S/N ratio and lower the effect of noise? 2. If admitted, any chance to get funding? Sourse of funding? (not from department, have to apply by individual) 3. Colleges in Oxford. 4. What other background do I need to prepare before entering a graduate school? 第二次口試 (兩位教授) 1. what is spin? why are you interested in it? 2. How does spin apply on your research? 3. Explain your research. 我解釋完後就開始問 我的的系統跟別的機制有何差別,為何我們敏感度較好? 為什麼不用一般的原理操作? 非線性光學有何特別? 有什麼系統可以比過我們? 那為什麼不用他們的機制作? (還有一推問題忘記了) 4. 他描述了一個HYPERFINE的光譜,給了excited state 的量子數,問所有可能的 TRANSITION以及MECHANICS電子耀遷後光子帶的角動量是多少 (不同種TRANSITION會有不同種情形都要詳速) 如何以數學式表示? quantum state 怎麼寫 光子電子如何作用? 機制為合? (最後是要問quantum entanglement) 這題問了很久~"~ 5. 原子受激發後,除了spontaneous emission外,還會怎樣? 如果一直激發原子,又會怎樣?會一直被激發嗎? 這題也問很久 一些問題我忘了sorry 6. Laser cooling (where is the force from?) 7. Quantum computation 8. Eeistein AB coeff 大概記得的是這樣,第二場嚴肅很多 我完全沒有預期會被問的這麼專業 而且因為這次秘書通知我時並不告知這兩位教授的名稱 我也無從由教授的領域準備 希望這次經驗可以提醒大家 牛津面試不會因為是口述就不用專業問題 就算你研究領域做的跟他無關 他還是會問你懂多少(比方說 我做非線性光學 他問我量子資訊>"<) 而且它不像第一場的教授會給提示,通常只會說對與不對,沒有對錯的題目 通常就是看你能講多少 希望後者可以有前車之鑑,多多看書,不要以為他只會跟你聊聊未來和你做的研究 廣為涉略才比較有希望上 ps 三位中 某一位英國腔超重,加上不停lag的通話,讓我費盡所有的力氣去聽問題 耳朵都快要年在電話上了 請接受英國面試前,先多聽聽bbc 大家加油吧 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: harryfish 來自: (02/24 23:29)
xyz2k:感謝分享 推~ 02/24 23:32
astatine:感謝分享 真的問得好專業... 02/24 23:38
ANUBISANKH:我之前也有接到 interview,內容在留英板。不過我的問 02/24 23:44
ANUBISANKH:學之間的關係。 02/24 23:45
ANUBISANKH:題相較之下比較沒那麼難。大部分問雷射的原理和非典光 02/24 23:45
ANUBISANKH:(推文反了XD) 02/24 23:46
harryfish:我很希望他多問我一些雷射,非現線光 結果沒有 光譜很重 02/24 23:50