精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
板上有和我一樣申請08 Fall商博的同志嗎? 前天收到了Texas A&M U (Mays B-School) dept. of IOM的Interview 通知 要和我進行Phone Interview的Ph.D. coordinator 剛好也是要指導我的教授 商博申請之路難如上青天 僧多粥少 現在機會來了 緊張之餘 只能全力以赴 但求無悔 倒數一天半 Fighting!!! 順道分享一些收集到的問題給各位 祝大家都能順利進入想去的學校就讀 1. Why this school? 2. What other schools you have also applied? 3. What is your research interest? 4. What is your master thesis about? 5. What do you plan to extend your master thesis? 6. Any other work/paper you are proud of ? 7. Your research experience? 8. Any research topics are you interested? 9. Any paper you have read? 10. Which professor you want to work with? 11. What is your career goal? 12. What motivates you to puse this line of research? 13. Is your quatitative ability more strong than English writing ability? 14. Your strengths 15. How do you plan to leverage your strenghts in phd degree? 16. Your weakness 17. Any preference school that you want to work at after you earn a Phd? 18. What are the factors to your final decision? 19. Any questions you would like to ask? 20. Why Ph.D.? -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: xhoward 來自: (01/29 12:59) ※ 編輯: xhoward 來自: (01/29 12:59) ※ 編輯: xhoward 來自: (01/29 13:00)
stanley10:有面試基本上是一腳已踩入了門 拿到OFFER機會不小 01/29 14:02
antipower:Why Ph.D.最重要 還有short-term goal, long-term goal 01/29 15:01
JoannaChang:加油啦! 01/29 16:01
hughes0305:能夠確定"指導教授"了, 你應該已經差不多錄取了吧? :) 01/31 11:32