精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是我在傷咖.追夢搜尋來的 都是前人的善心 也給之後要面試的朋友享用^^ 【Katz MBA 2008 FALL 】 1. Why MBA /why now 2. Career goal (對自己的career goal要能清楚說明) 3. What I want to major in MBA program (Finance/Marketing/Operation/HR...擇一吧) 4. How to cheer your teammates 5. How to solve conflicts in a teamwork 6. How to meet project deadline 7. Some questions from your resume 8. Q & A 【Katz MBA 2008 FALL 】 1. Why now study MBA 2. What inspire you study MBA 3. Area of improvement 4. Leadership experience: ever solved the conflict within a team? 5. Teamwork: if one teammate doesn't take the responsibility, how you gonna do? 6. Traveling experience 7. Short / Long term goal 8. Q&A 【Katz MBA 2008 FALL 】 1. Why MBA? 2. Teamwork experience? 3. Area of improvement? 4. Free time activities? 5. Short-term goal? 6. Work in U.S. OR go back to Taiwan? 【Katz MBA 2007 FALL 】 1. Why MBA? Why now? 2. Why Katz 3. Leadership 的經驗 4. Team work的經驗 5. 理想中的team 是什麼樣子 6. 國外的經驗(如travel, work,) 7. Short-term and long-term goals 8. Q and A 【Katz MBA 2007 FALL 】 1. Career goals? (針對我的Career goals 她衍生出一堆題目!!) 2. Work experience? 3. How does previous work experience contribute to career goals? 4. How does previous work experience stimulate you to pursue MBA? 5. Teamwork Experience? 6. Qualities of Ideal Team? 7. Which quality is the most important for a leader? 8. How do you think of your leadership potential?(先天型or後天造就型?) 9. Why Katz? 10. Q&A 【Katz MBA 2007 FALL 】 1. Why Katz? 2. Why MBA? 3. Short-term goal and Long-term goal 4. Traveling experience 6. leadership experience 7. Opinion about the Asia within the near future 8. Have you ever worked with foreigners? 【Katz MBA 2006 FALL 】 1. why MBA 2. Short-term goal and Long-term goal 3. leadership experience 4. team work experience 5. contribution to classmates 6. traveling experience 7. hobbies --------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Rice MBA 2009 FALL 】 1. Why MBA? 2. Why Jones school? 3. Why MBA now? 4. Career goal. 5. What do you see yourself after five year? How Jones school help you achieve? 6. Please describe your extracurricular experience. 7. There are many opportunities to join the clubs in Jones school. Which one club you would like to attend in Jones school. 8. Please describe an experience about leadership when you worked in Era? 9. Please describe an experience you were not a leader in Era? 【Rice MBA 2008 FALL 】 1. Introduce yourself according to your Resume. 2. Any teamwork experience in workplace? 3. Why MBA? 4. Why Rice? 5. Area of improvement? 6. A difficult situation? 7. Free-time activities? 8. How do you think your will fit in Rice MBA with such limited work experience? 9. What will your friends describe you? 10. What would others think that you lack in? 11. Q&A 【Rice MBA 2007 FALL 】 1. introduce yourself 2. Why the Jones school 3. Talk about your education 4. 分享一下大學社團經驗 5. work experience 針對工作內容發問細節 6. 為何轉換跑道? 7. failure management experience 8. 有空的時候會做什麼 9. Career goal 10. accomplishment at work 11. teamwork experience 12. 別人用哪兩個字形容自己? 13. 你認為你的缺點是? 14. Q&A 【Rice MBA 2007 FALL 】 1. Why do you want to study MBA at the Jones school 2. Talk about your education 3. Talk about your work experience 4. failure management experience 5. 有空的時候會做什麼 6. Career goal 7. accomplishment at work 8. teamwork experience 9. Which company do you want to in tern 10. stay in USA or back 11. How much do u know about Houston 12. 問我photoshop 13. 問我對於ALP有多少的了解 14. Q&A 【Rice MBA 2007 FALL 】 面試一開始,他第一個問題就問,在團體與隊友有意見不同時,我如何處理,結果如何? 問我的問題依序為 team work experience, future goals, 還有why Rice? 中間穿插一些對我履歷的好奇 【Rice MBA 2006 FALL 】 1.自我介紹, 2.難忘的工作經驗 3.領導經驗 4. why MBA & why Rice 5. why now 【Rice MBA 2006 FALL 】 1 自我介紹 2 生涯規劃 3 leadership 4 leadership的延伸 5 team work experience 6 team group 裡面有你不喜歡的人怎麼辦 7 team work failed 的經驗 8 未來希望留在美國還是回到台灣工作 【Rice MBA 2006 FALL 】 1. 自我介紹 2. Why MBA 3. Why Rice 4. 失敗的團隊合作經驗 5. 因為我有提到ALP所以他問我對ALP有什麼認識和了解 6. 有沒有在極大壓力下做事過, 有沒有工作超時的經驗 7. 有一天空閒的話會做什麼休閒活動, 為什麼?? 8. 問有沒有領導經驗 9. 針對我的領導經驗問深入問題 10. 問我會不會留在美國工作還是回台灣工作 11. 針對我某些回答, 問台灣現狀 【Rice MBA 2006 FALL 】 1. A question for Resume. What did you do in **** position? 2. Why MBA? what do you wanna get from it? 3. Why Rice? 4. What do you do in your spare time? 5. If a team member did not fulfill his responsibility, what will you do as a team leader? 【Rice MBA 2006 FALL 】 1. introduce yourself. 2. why MBA, and why at this time. 3. Future career plan 4. what you have done in… 5. share a good team work experience 6. how to resolve the conflict in team 7. have you involved any extra-curriculum in University -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
SONY:感謝分享辛苦收集的資料~~好心有好報:) 04/23 21:43
yoshien:同學推~~~ 04/23 22:44
skyrock:我也要同學推!! 04/23 23:22
SONY:明年同學推~ 04/23 23:51
a20:推推推~~原波人超好~ 04/24 01:00
matsumoto:推推~原波人真好 04/24 13:58
yoshien:同學又推~~原波人超好 04/24 16:21
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