精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近正在杞人憂天煩惱接下來也許會碰到的面試 所以稍微看了一下精華區,把我自己覺得比較常碰到的問題作了一下彙整 由於有些問題是自己從中文翻成英文的,所以也許有些文不及義 還請大家見諒或幫忙修正指教 以下共分為六大類問題 Category A: Something about yourself 1. Please introduce yourself and educational background 2. Tell me something about yourself 3. What do you do outside work? (Hobby/Social activity) 4. Talk about your resume? 5. Introduce something about Taiwan 6. Please talk about your life in college 7. The greatest passion in your life 8. How about your "mathematics" basis? 9. Are you top in the classes? 10. Please describe your background and your interests Category B: Something about your work 1. What are the most important achievements in your professional career? 2. How would you relate your achievements to progress in your area, i.e. where those achievements stand? 3. What difficulties you had and how you managed to overcome them? 4. Tell me one time where you finished your assignment but you wish you have done something differently? 5. When did you have an obstacle during your work and you made through? 6. What is about your extracurricular and leadership experience? 7. Tell me something about your current work 8. The experience with your team members, how do you collaborate with others? 9. What's the difference between a "good" leader and a "great" leader? 10. Conflict in a team. How to deal with it? 11. What do you think of teamwork, give me an example 12. What is the greatest challenge of your work? 13. How do you get interested in the new field and decide to work in this field? Category C: Something about your research 1. Which course intrigues you? Which part? 2. Please describe your research experiences in detail 3. Why do you change your research field from X to Y? 4. Which courses have you focused on? 5. Have you thought about your research topics? 6. How did you select your research goal? 7. Asking something about your research experience, teaching experience and findings of thesis 8. How would like the topic of your PhD research to be? Either progressing independently or assigned by professor. 9. How do you feel your pros and cons in research ability? 10. What is the bottleneck on your current study? 11. What is your research interest? Why do your want to continue these researches of this area? 12. What is your master thesis about? 13. What do you plan to extend your master thesis? 14. Any other work/paper you are proud of? 15. Your research experience? 16. Any research topics are you interested? 17. Any paper you have read? 18. Were the ideas of the paper you published from you or your professor? Category D: Something about your intention 1. Why do you choose our school/program? 2. Short-term & long-term goal 3. What do you want to do apart from academic study? 4. What makes your decision of being back to school for further education at this moment? 5. Why do you choose your current company? 6. What is your dream profession? 7. How did you hear about our program? 8. If you got admitted to all schools you applied, what are the three standards you will use to make final decision? 9. What is the orientation of your future career and how do you get there? 10. Why you chose your major? 11. When do you find you want to further your study? 12. What is your career goal? 13. Why do you select study abroad in our country? 14. Why do you want to study abroad? 15. You did good job on your research in Taiwan, why you want to go abroad? 16. Why you want to do the research in this area? What perspective can you get from abroad? 17. What motivates you to persuade this line of research? 18. Why Ph.D.? 19. How do you feel the grogram will help you? 20. What job will you do after graduation? 21. Now to Sep., what's your plan? 22. What you are expecting to get from here? 23. What characteristics are specific to this program and distinguish it from other schools? 24. Besides academic, what do you want to get from our school? Category E: Something about your characteristic 1. What properties make you distinguished from other candidates? 2. What is your weakness? Strength? 3. Because you want to make a career change, what skills do you think you can bring to your new career? 4. What can you contribute to your teammates and what can you learn from your teammates? 5. How did you establish you firm? 6. What would you like to do for relaxing yourself or reducing your pressure while entering into a new learning environment and different country? 7. What do your coworkers judge you? 8. What contribution can you do to school? 9. Tell me, which three points is the most you want me to tell the committee? 10. How do you plan to leverage your strengths in PhD degree? 11. Is your quantitative ability stronger than English writing ability? 12. You have several travel experience, what are their impacts to you? 13. In the several group discussions in the future, can you imagine which role will you be? 14. Use three words to define yourself Category F: Some hypothesis situations 1. If everything okay, when can you come to our school? 2. In the place you are not familiar with and the communication is not as easy as in your country, what obstacle do you expect to have? 3. Is there any other schools enroll you? When do you need to reply them? 4. If you could meet someone who's dead, which one would you like to meet? 5. How will you recommend me to see a movie that you've seen? 6. Have you had working experience with people whom have different culture or background? What did you get from this experience? 7. Do you apply other schools, what are the styles of differences between these schools? 8. After graduation what you did in this period? 9. What date is the president election in Taiwan? 10. What is the difference in the view points between people in Taiwan and China? 11. What is the relationship between Taiwan and European Union? 12. How about your current condition of application? 13. Which other schools/programs have you also applied? 14. Which professor you want to work with? 15. What are the factors to your final decision? 16. What is the greatest challenge you think you will face here if you study here? 17. What suggestion you will give to other interviewees? 18. How to collaborate with people in different background of culture? 19. Do your family support with your decision? 20. What is your financial support? 21. Will you study here without scholarship? 22. How do you learn English? 23. If you can change one thing, what would it be? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wwwacou 來自: (03/02 22:20)
EsMirada:感謝整理分享..可惜已經面試完了XP 03/02 22:34
skltku:推一下~ 03/02 23:47
j589745:很用心很詳細!!推!! 03/03 02:17
KeeperOf7Key:推整理 03/03 04:06
zymurge:很詳盡,應該對未來面試者非常有幫助。 03/03 09:08
wernicke:謝謝! 禮拜五面試,很有幫助 03/03 13:09
fatbee:感謝您!!!! 03/03 14:07
zxcvbnmpp:推一下 可惜面試完了 03/03 18:48
Maccer:收入精華區 謝嚕~ 03/22 22:44