精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
不知道會不會上.... 但我覺得板上藝術相關科系資訊較少, 所以還上先上來po面試心得供需要的人參考。 我申請的是 MA in Art + Design Education (Community Arts Education Track) 系上會先寄來面試問題供申請人準備,以下是題目 (1) You have many choices when it comes to where to study for an MA; what particularly about RISD (2) A particular emphasis of the MA Community Arts Education track is arts learning for youth in out-of school time through a working relationship RISD's Project Open Door. What is your understanding of this initiative's goals and its connection to the MA program. (3) Describe a community-based arts learning program that you have either first hand experience of or you are aware of. What would you say was a particular strength of the program? (4) It is possible to utilize your skills as an artist or designer in a variety of contexts; what especiallyinterests you about applying these skills within a community-based practice. (5) Imagine that 5 years have passed since graduating with your MA; speculate what your resume might record as being your professional practice in 2019. 正式面試時不是每題都有問到,除了以上題目之外還問了: 你今天做了什麼事情?(我回答教小學生還有課程內容) 你有多久的教學經驗? 你說說看在台灣學校教育中,國小的美術課和中學的美術課有什麼差別? 為什麼要出國讀書? 你對我們的課程安排有什麼瞭解呢? 最後就是必備的:你有什麼問題嗎? 我的策略是大量準備,事前準備大量可以回答的材料,因為正式的時候我緊張一定多少 會漏掉一些,加上我多講的話教授就可以少問幾題XD 這樣時間的操控權就在我!! 最後教授說他們最怕的就是外籍學生無法溝通,不論是哪個國家的外籍生都一樣 他覺得我能順利回答所有問題,他會把我推薦到admission office! 但是我估計我是所有學生中第一個面試的= = 後面的變數.... 而且我托福少一分超怕被admission office拒絕或是重考... 希望大家申請順利! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: maydayart 來自: (02/23 16:41)
jmavoy:謝謝分享!板上設計相關經驗真的很少Q__Q 祝原po順利錄取! 02/23 18:44
maydayart:呃我收到非正式的錄取通知了.....一切太不真實 02/24 00:25
maydayart:馬上回信問教授托福的事情,教授說我只差一分而且當天 02/24 00:25
maydayart:說的很好,所以跟Admissions談過不會有問題 02/24 00:26
maydayart:所以心得再加一:托福差一點的話面試講好就有機會 02/24 00:27
malkmus:恭喜!! 02/24 01:50
kiwicanfly:恭喜!! 02/25 15:27