精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Admission: Columbia College Chicago - Arts, Entertainment and Media Management University of Southampton - Design Management Brunel University - Design, Strategy and Innovation MA Rejection: Indiana University - Arts Administration Carnegie Mellon's U. - Arts Management Pending: New York University - Visual Arts Administration Background: NCTU B.A. in Communication and Technology GPA: Overall 3.87/4.00 (85.61%) Senior 4.00/4.00 Test Score: GMAT 590 TOEFL 86 (R19 L24 S22 W21) Work Experiences: 2008-current Freelance designer 2008 summer Intern in JWT 2007 summer Intern in ADK Publications: One book Honors/Awards: Outstanding Contribution Awards of NCTU (Service) First Prize, NCTU Second Digital Film Competition Second Prize in Preliminaries, (Creative Marketing Ideas Competition for Multi-Employment Promotion Program) Certification of Presidential Award Recommendation: 1 from chairman 2 from professors 心得: 本來看到版上好像都是很頂尖的學校才會po錄取文, 不知道這樣不知名的學校會不會很丟臉...可是因為過去念藝術管理的人真的好少, 也因為之前一個版友給我很多很多的幫助, 所以希望能以我的經驗給後來想往這方面發展的人做參考, 謝謝留學版給我的幫助, 還有希望大家都能錄取自己想要的學校!:) Bonne chance, Blake -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Organizer:恭喜! 03/16 23:47
matilde207:恭喜!! 03/16 23:48
KeiJan:恭喜囉~~沒有什麼頂尖不頂尖的... 03/16 23:54
badvalley:可以多分享些心得嗎~ 多謝 03/16 23:57
cyet:恭喜!! 03/16 23:59
submarine7:恭喜~ 03/17 00:06
ahold:沒有啦..就覺得其他錄取文都很厲害... 03/17 00:22
ahold:我不太知道心得要說些什麼耶 有問題倒是可以寄信問我! 03/17 00:23
tsai18:可惜了 AT在考高一點的話 一定有更多選擇 03/17 01:00
skywinjim:恭喜 03/17 01:05
hyde212121:恭喜!!! 03/17 01:09
soed:congrats~ 03/17 01:16
cxzdsa:恭喜恭喜 03/17 01:33
ahold:哈我AT考到都快吐了 不過其實這方面還是考GRE會好點! 03/17 01:47
Gocoba:southampton超強... 03/17 02:18
jasmonates:恭喜~ 03/17 02:42
trcstrcs:恭喜!!! 03/17 11:46