精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Research interests: developing causal inference methods for evaluating educational policies and instructional programs in multilevel and longitudinal settings Admission: Measurement and Quantitative Methods (PhD), College of Education, Michigan State University (MSU), with 4 years assistantship (include tuition, stipend, and health care) Rejection: coming soon... Pending: another 11 schools... Education: B.Eng, Civil Engineering, University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) GPA: 3.43/4.0 M.Ed., Education, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) GPA: 4.0/4.0 Test Score: Toefl: R/29 L/25 S/22 W/24 = 100 (Nov. 22, 2009) GRE: V/550 Q/760 AWA/3.0 (Oct. 29, 2009) V/350 Q/710 AWA/3.5 (Sept. 3, 2009) (AWA兩次都沒達4.0,我一度以為完蛋了,因申請教育/社會科學領域) Work Experiences: 09/2006~present Research Assistant in NTNU 08/2003~08/2006 Department Head in a nationwide education professional organization in Malaysia 01/2000~04/2003 Vice Principal and Math Teacher in a high school in Malaysia Publications: 1 book chapters (3rd author) 4 peer-reviewed journal papers (1st author x3, 3rd author x1) 4 peer-reviewed monographs (1st author x3, 2nd author x1) 8 conference papers (1st author x8; 5 in Taiwan & 3 in the US) Honors/Awards: Ministry of Ed. Scholarship for Foreign Students, Taiwan (2007) Outstanding Graduate Students Award, NTNU (2007) Texchem Scholarship, Malaysia (1997-1999) Dean’s List, UTM (4 times: 1996(x2), 1997, 1999) Recommendation: 1 from NTNU professor (my master academic advisor) 1 from NTNU Honorary Chair Professor (my statistics teacher, also the former program director of National Center of Education Statistics, US Dept of Education) 1 from High School Principal, Malaysia (my former supervisor) MSU是12/1截止, 12月中旬助教通知我application complete及1月中會公布結果, 我估算1/4是美國大學寒假後開學, 我當天就發一封mail給我SOP裡提到的第一位教授 看對方沒回應,我在台北1/7凌晨再發一封mail給我SOP裡提到的第二位教授 當然,第二封信內容也提到第一位教授的名字, 結果,在台北1/7晚上時間收到第二位教授回信: We were very impressed with your application materials, especially your background as a math teacher (教育學院果然重視實務經驗,尤其是MSU)and your recent work on teacher qualifications (degree level) and student achievement. This is to informally let you know that you have been admitted, and that we can commit a ?time assistantship (亂碼?,我猜是"full") for four years to you. This is a large level of commitment! (這句話我相信,因為MSU教育學系是不保證 給錄取的新生資助的,所以能夠給我四年funding,應該算是a large level的承諾了) The commitment includes tuition, a stipend, and health care. The official letter will indicate more of the details. Given your fit with Prof.B (第一位教授) and me, your assistantship will likely involve a new project for which Prof.B and I have just been funded by the US Department of Education (IES) (我終於知道我為何可以拿到四年的funding了), to evaluate the effects of recent curriculum requirements on students in Michigan. The project will engage serious issues of causal inference (這個研究 放想是我SOP的主要內容), and perhaps some social network analysis. So, we were very excited to see your application and believe that the project is a terrific fit (我覺得我SOP及研究經歷與MSU教授目前研究計畫的吻合度扮演了 很關鍵的角色,因為我的test scores並不亮麗). Let us know if you have further questions. In the meantime I will find a student liaison for you. (這個學生真的馬上就email我,好積極哦) 其實,MSU雖整體排名不高,但教育學院是前20,且我申請的這個program也算是排前5名的, 更重要的是,兩位我會跟的教授又分別是A咖及很有前景的B咖,說真的,如果我沒有申請 其他學校的話,我現在就應該可以決定去MSU了 不過,看來還是得等其他學校的結果後,才做出最後決定, 到時候再最後寫比較仔細的分享文,特別是對於工作多年後, 又回到研究所念書,又不小心決定出國念書的朋友,我覺得我的經驗有正反面參考的地方 今晚會先在此分享,一來是想分享自己的喜悅 (連續一個半月熬夜為每所學校個別寫SOP的日子終於有回報了) 二來是想鼓勵test score分數中有部分不理想的朋友(我是AWA手殘),大家繼續加油~ 三來是一個我在PTT板上認識的貴人G大,知道我被錄取的消息後,就不忘提醒我來po文 這個板真的很溫馨,也很難得......感謝大家~ updated on 1/8: Prof. B (MSU教育學院講座教授)來信,說了很多很吸引人的話,除了針對我的研究興趣 告訴我在MSU可以獲得發展的機會,還具體說她過去指導的學生在畢業前都在美國或家鄉 取得大學教職或學術職位,她都promise和她合作的學生至少發表兩篇refereed期刊論文 及其他著作(這些說法,我看她的CV就知道了,她都會列她學生的就職情形)...看了,真的 有點心動,因為我讀過這位教授的很多著作,一直很欣賞她,但現在開始想到會可能跟她 合作,就有點很夢幻的感覺...但這時候又還不能明確決定...真的是充滿懸念... ※ 編輯: soed 來自: (01/08 03:59)
smallnini:恭喜! 01/08 04:00
KeeperOf7Key:Congrats~ 01/08 04:07
pross:恭喜 01/08 04:22
Maccer:恭喜啊~ 01/08 04:52
psy:恭喜!~歡迎來MSU 01/08 04:57
pichio:MSU教育很棒的/我認識一位你本系學姊,現在年薪8萬鎂 01/08 04:59
pichio:這算教育界算很不錯了 (我還有認識在長春藤,拿更低的說) 01/08 05:00
GoldLight:恭喜恭喜!!!真是太令人開心啦!期待後續的好消息! 01/08 06:58
GoldLight:不過你的背景真的太強大了,被錄取實至名歸! 01/08 07:00
cacaobean:恭喜啦!我的大學學長~可以輕鬆等待其他學校的結果囉:) 01/08 07:35
dannych2000:好厲害 @@ 恭喜恭喜! 01/08 09:29
nikeckw:恭喜~~~ 01/08 09:45
wearytolove:恭喜! 01/08 10:07
agnesb:恭喜!!!! 01/08 10:09
greature:恭喜!!太強大了!! 01/08 10:19
wulat:恭喜!!!沾沾你的喜氣 :) 01/08 10:20
ThirdEmpire:恭喜 沾喜氣 ^^ 01/08 10:45
reinherd:推 01/08 11:04
kcc1016:恭喜! 01/08 11:10
timcat:恭喜你~~~ 01/08 11:37
oogu:恭喜恭喜! 01/08 11:50
ricecake:恭喜 :) 01/08 11:53
Petrovsky:恭喜~~ 01/08 12:08
KeiJan:恭喜恭喜~ 01/08 12:24
J1020:恭喜錄取!! 01/08 13:04
pinkswing:恭喜恭喜,MSU教育很好耶! 01/08 13:24
alado:恭喜喔~ 01/08 14:26
kukukuku:恭喜~~希望沾沾喜氣 01/08 15:20
cck73823:恭喜!!!沾沾你的喜氣 01/08 15:41
ahuang:恭喜恭喜!! 01/08 15:59
yxwchen:恭喜喔! 01/08 17:27
lingualedwin:publication真強大 恭喜... 01/08 22:50
jouyuen:welcome to MSU~~~ 01/08 23:09
※ 編輯: soed 來自: (01/09 00:26)
soed:我06/2008碩士畢業,指導老師就鼓勵我當年申請學校,我自覺托福 01/09 00:27
soed:及GRE不可能考很高,因為我不是考試的料,所以決定延後一年申請 01/09 00:28
soed:然後利用一年時間多發表,希望這些發表真的有幫助到,更重要的 01/09 00:29
soed:是過去一年,我多上課多思考,終於為自己未來研究方向找到定位 01/09 00:32
ff15:Welcome to MSU! 01/09 11:31
cedileon:恭喜恭喜!!! 01/11 11:58
trcstrcs:恭喜阿~我還在等消息...希望能有好消息... 01/12 11:12
leise:恭喜 01/20 20:18
yging:應該是928的學長,恭喜你! 01/28 10:33
beat1es:學長太強拉!!我會把你當作楷模的 03/03 02:33
adelineMD:耶!! 歡迎來MSU!! 我們師大畢業的好少~ 歡迎歡迎!! 03/07 12:32