精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
哈哈哈, 凌晨五點驚醒, 有預感會收到信, 因為禮拜五教授才打來have a chat with me. 果然, 哈哈 錄取了, 我總共申請11家, 十月底所有學校都 undereview. 只有CMU申請spring, 其他都是fall. purdue是最早開始審的, 比CMU 春季班還早, 但他說我口說差一分,請我重考, 考過就考慮我. CMU這個教授是Biomedical Engineering, ME他只是courtesy. 所以ME 網頁沒有他, 我之前也沒有聯絡過他. 雖然我要做BioMEMS, 但我申請的是 ME PhD, 同時還要有funding才能去, 嘿嘿, 錄取信有fellowship, 但必須 co-work with 這位教授, 所以我想應該算RA吧 詳細背景稍後再附..先寫個大概 BS: National Chung Cheng University ME MS: National Tsing Hua University PME Military position: Corporal of Millitary Police (94-2) Working experience: UMC (聯華電子) as a Lithography process engineer GPA: undergraduate: 3.62, graduate: 4 GRE: 400/800 3.5 IBT: R/25 L/21 S/17 W/22 total:85 Honors: Professional career-industry: a.“Best Knowledge Paper Award”, UMC b.“The Best Rookie Engineer”, UMC Academic-graduate: a. Scholarship, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, NTHU b. Ranked 1st in the Graduate Entrance Exam, NTHU Academic-undergraduate: a. Presidential Award, four times -Honor of ranked 1st in the class b. The Outstanding Award of Ministry of Education Advisory Office Student Special Topic Contest 請問有人要一起去CMU的嗎? 或是有學長姐, 1/15 2009就要開學了, 好多事要忙喔 不過還是很開心, 哈哈哈,大家加油 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dobb 來自: (11/04 06:59) ※ 編輯: dobb 來自: (11/04 07:00)
crutch:頭推!恭喜喔~~ 11/04 07:02
※ 編輯: dobb 來自: (11/04 07:06)
divhexa:推中正機械學長 恭喜 11/04 08:32