精華區beta studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《cool (認真的男人最帥)》之銘言: : 我自己沒唸過UIUC,不過有位同學是念UIUC的MBA : 不過,同學的意見是: : 1. MSF的資源比MBA少的多:她說MBA的學生進去以後可以再申請雙學位,多修 : 一個MSF的學位。但是MSF的學生不可以申請念MBA的雙學位。此外,儘管都 : 是商學院,但是學院的career center比較照顧MBA,會限定許多就業活動 : 只給MBA學生參加。(這是她三年前就讀的情況,現在情況或許已不同) 回應一PO 請見MSN 的 UIUC TSA GROUP 1.想請問學長姐 對於一個本身大學就是財金系的學生來說 念MSF可以在知識上面有大幅度的提升嗎 ? 2.此外 聽說MSF收超多台灣人 這樣對英文的進步 是否是阻礙呢 ? 3.學校有提供研究生宿舍嗎 不知道價位是多少呢 ? 4.是否需要先去上語言課程 大概幾月要過去呢 ? 問了這麼多笨問題 請學長姐見諒 謝謝 ------------------------------------------ 來自UIUC TSA的校友真誠的建議 hi there, i was with MSF 2000~2001 and happened to see your question. I made few assumptions before answering your questions: assumption A: you love financial engineering very much, and hate all other management courses unless they are related to finance, especially in financial engineering answer: I strongly suggest you choose other programs cuz MSF only provides very basic financial engineering course such as Fin472. Almost every student in MSF never know how to do 'programming' to solve or provide trading tools or financial risk management solutions, which is the main weakness compared to students with a math or quant major. If you wanna be with investment banking, I suggest you should go for other programs which require basic programming language such as C++ or Delphi. assumption B: Even though you love financial engineering very much, rewarming corporate finance and learning some derivatives work fine to you as well Answer: MSF hooks u up very much. Other answers: Pre-school? no need to go to language school. You can know every word after few classes. Worrying about your english but you hate MBA so ~~~ much because of lots tedious and boring management classes? Dont' worry and just go for some 'bible study' groups twice in a week. Regret: After my graduation from MSF, I went to Case Western Reserve for MIS program and back to UIUC for accouting major afterwards. I shouldn't have chosen MSF. My career: investment banking industry, couped with programming and financial knowledges. thank you, evan -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
JoannaChang:推,這個,中肯到不能再中肯了 02/09 03:10