精華區beta tabletennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
一般來說在打球中碰到桌子算犯規,所以對方得分, 不過最近在打球的時候遇到另一種情況,就是在"擊球後" 因為重心不穩所以拍到桌面,請問各位大大這樣算犯規嗎?? 謝謝~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
byka:印象中是有移動到球台就犯規 沒有移動應該就沒有!! 07/17 16:49
rixer:執拍手觸及比賽檯面是OK的 07/17 17:06
an123456781:持拍手的手腕以下都算球拍一部分 07/17 17:30
an123456781:所以這些地方碰到桌子沒關係 07/17 17:30
an123456781:另一隻手或身體其他部分 都是不能碰到桌子的 07/17 17:31
an123456781:印象中是這樣 07/17 17:31
hotdouble:比賽中除持拍手以外都不能觸及桌面 07/17 20:23
hotdouble:從拋球開始到其中一方得分 都算比賽中 07/17 20:24
post02:參考一下!謝謝! http://www.94istudy.com 12/16 17:36
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: minghanwu (dream) 看板: tabletennis 標題: Re: [問題] 規則問題 時間: Sat Jul 18 00:04:04 2009 ※ 引述《Xcrystal (test)》之銘言: : 一般來說在打球中碰到桌子算犯規,所以對方得分, : 不過最近在打球的時候遇到另一種情況,就是在"擊球後" : 因為重心不穩所以拍到桌面,請問各位大大這樣算犯規嗎?? : 謝謝~~~ 2.10 A POINT 2.10.01 Unless the rally is a let, a player shall score a point if his opponent fails to make a correct service; if his opponent fails to make a correct return; if, after he has made a service or a return, the ball touches anything other than the net assembly before being struck by his opponent; if the ball passes over his court or beyond his end line without touching his court, after being struck by his opponent; if his opponent obstructs the ball; if his opponent strikes the ball twice successively; if his opponent strikes the ball with a side of the racket blade whose surface does not comply with the requirements of 2.4.3, 2.4.4 and 2.4.5; if his opponent, or anything his opponent wears or carries, moves the playing surface; if his opponent, or anything his opponent wears or carries, touches the net assembly; if his opponent's free hand touches the playing surface; if a doubles opponent strikes the ball out of the sequence established by the first server and first receiver; as provided under the expedite system (2.15.2). 犯規的情形: 1. 身體(包含全身、手腳) 或穿戴物 => 移動桌面 2. 身體(包含全身、手腳) 或穿戴物 => 碰觸網或網架 3. 非持拍手 => 碰觸桌面 (非持拍手不含身體, 2.05.06 The free hand is the hand not carrying the racket; the free arm is the arm of the free hand. ) 身體或持拍手碰觸桌面屬合法 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
post02:參考一下!謝謝! http://www.94istudy.com 12/16 17:35