精華區beta tabletennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2012-08-02 ITTF.com 3.08 INTERNATIONAL ELIGIBILITY 3.08.01 Eligibility in Olympic title competitions is regulated separately by 4.5.1 and eligibility in Paralympic title competitions is regulated separately by the IPC and 4.6.1; additional eligibility regulations apply to World title events (4.1.3, 4.2.3, 4.3.6, 4.4.3) 3.08.02 A player shall be regarded as representing an Association if he or she accepted to be nominated by this Association and subsequently participates in a competition listed in other than individual events at Open International Championships. 3.08.03 A player is eligible to represent an Association only if he or she is a national of the country in which that Association has jurisdiction, except that a player who has already represented an Association of which he or she was not a national in accordance with previous rules may retain that eligibility. Where the players of more than one Association have the same nationality, a player may represent one of these Associations only, if he or she is born in or has his or her main residence in the territory controlled by that Association. A player who is eligible to represent more than 1 Association shall have the right to choose which of the relevant Associations he or she will represent. 3.08.04 A player is eligible to represent a Continental Federation (1.18.1) in an event of continental teams only if he or she is eligible to represent a member Association of this Continental Federation according to 3.8.3. 3.08.05 A player shall not represent different Associations within a period of 3 years. 3.08.06 An Association may nominate a player under its jurisdiction (1.21) to enter any individual events of Open International Championships; such nomination may be indicated in results lists and ITTF publications but does not affect the eligibility of this player according to 3.8.2. 3.08.07 A player or his or her Association shall, if so requested by the referee, provide documentary evidence of his or her eligibility and his or her passport. 3.08.08 Any appeal on a question of eligibility shall be referred to an Eligibility Commission, consisting of the Executive Committee, the chair of the Rules Committee and the chair of the Athletes’ Commission, whose decision shall be final. 4.01.03 Eligibility Only an Association which is not in arrears ( shall be eligible to enter teams or individual players in the Championships. In addition to provisions of 3.8 players being eligible to represent an association other than the one they intend to represent, shall register with the ITTF, through this new association. Such player shall not represent the new association before 3 years after the date of registration, if the player is under the age of 15 when registered; 5 years after the date of registration, if the player is under the age of 18 but at least 15 years of age when registered; 7 years after the date of registration, if the player is under the age of 21 but at least 18 years of age when registered. Players being 21 years of age or older will not be registered with the ITTF and will not be eligible to represent a new association at World Championships. 轉籍的規定很複雜, 各項賽事也有所不同, 4.1 適用於世錦賽, 但是大原則大致上相同, 14.9歲(實歲, 老外沒有虛歲)以下, 轉籍後三年不得代表出賽, 15~17.9歲, 五年不得出賽 18~20.9歲, 七年不得出賽 21歲以上, 不得轉籍 也就是說, 14.9 歲轉 18歲才能打, 17.9 歲轉, 23歲才能打, 20.9 歲轉 28歲才能打, 21 歲以上不能轉籍 所謂轉籍, 要先有舊籍 (registration), 一般情況下, 參加過國際賽, 比方 junior & cadet tournament, 就會有會籍註冊. 結論, 中國隊有點名氣, 在國際賽場出現過的, 不管大小, 願意來台灣的可能性, 不敢說0, 但是一定很低, 畢竟球員展露頭角的黃金 時期, 多半在 15~18 歲, 轉籍就 5 年不能打, 誰願意啊 像國二隊那些打 u21 的, 來台灣要蹲 7 年, 換了看倌您, 肯不肯啊 快退休的, 來了也不能打, 來幹嘛? 當教練, 傻瓜才來 別再推文某某某來台灣發展吧 下台一鞠躬 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
zyxwvoklove:哈 終於認真沒反串了 08/03 01:06
※ 編輯: minghanwu 來自: (08/03 01:17) ※ 編輯: minghanwu 來自: (08/03 01:18)
hoinoi:唉那國一隊那些始終無法入選世乒賽跟奧運的選手生涯規劃是 08/03 01:20
potter1529:蛤......不能打也太爛了吧.......... 08/03 01:20
hoinoi:陳杞郝帥就這樣默默變成陪練 或是去省隊當教練 多可惜阿 08/03 01:21
minghanwu:改成這樣好像跟 馮天薇轉籍 的時間點差不多 08/03 01:25
minghanwu:ittf 應該是不希望看到很多比賽 8.16 強一堆中國人 08/03 01:26
minghanwu:雖然代表不同國家 08/03 01:26
minghanwu:反串失敗了, 果然不夠熟練, 該多練練 08/03 01:27
wangbow:拜託反串別在桌球板練 這樣會釣到一堆人 管板很麻煩XD 08/03 01:37
zyxwvoklove:王寶出來了XD 08/03 01:39
minghanwu:板主出來了, 小弟不敢了 T.T 08/03 01:52
deanimn1:規定改成這樣 但其他國家跟中國的差距也沒有變小 相比之 08/03 02:27
deanimn1:下 還比較懷念以前海外兵團能夠對中國造成較大威嚇的年代 08/03 02:28
minghanwu:這反應了很多協會不認為海外兵團對他們有利的想法 08/03 02:32
minghanwu:賽程看起來好幾個國家, 打開電視幾乎都是中國人, 08/03 02:33
minghanwu:我個人就想關電視了, 不要忽視歐美潛在的種族優越感, 08/03 02:35
minghanwu:很難讓歐美一日觀眾打從心底喜歡支持這項運動 08/03 02:36
deanimn1:雖然初衷是不希望轉籍的選手扼殺當地選手發展表現的機會 08/03 02:37
minghanwu:檯面上的是藉口, 我覺得 08/03 02:37
deanimn1:結果既撿不了現成的 也沒有栽培出能夠抗衡的當地本土選手 08/03 02:39
minghanwu:舉個例子, 大專杯為什麼體資體保常牽動乙組的神經? 08/03 02:39
minghanwu:不跟你玩就好了, 我沒有這麼多資源可以投, 栽培什麼? 08/03 02:40
brighton16:花資源去弄一堆外來和尚轉藉,不如花錢找教練和陪練 08/03 02:40
minghanwu:就像我們國家, 會選一些我們有機會的項目, 重點發展, 08/03 02:41
minghanwu:跆拳道、舉重都是這樣來的, 我們會選田徑去跟美國抗衡? 08/03 02:41
minghanwu:別的國家評估玩不過你, 就不參與這個項目就好了, 08/03 02:42
minghanwu:這才是國家體育政策的常軌吧 08/03 02:42
minghanwu:歐洲幾個有傳統的國家, 現在不能放, 放了一票人沒飯吃, 08/03 02:44
minghanwu:所以總要撐一下, 韓國現在是幾個過去選手時代出成績的人 08/03 02:45
minghanwu:撐著局面, 不然你看還有什麼國家投入桌球? 08/03 02:46
minghanwu:體育是很現實的政治計算啦, 國家撥資源, 除了全民運動 08/03 02:47
minghanwu:也想要成績 08/03 02:47
minghanwu:運動賽事又不只桌球一種, 把桌球項目砍了, 別的項目可 08/03 02:48
minghanwu:高興了, 可以多分點了 08/03 02:48
zyxwvoklove:還有日本 不過亞洲真有用心栽培男女 大概就這四國+新 08/03 03:05
markx:這樣說來 桌球這項目過個幾屆 說不定會被踢出奧運? 08/03 03:33
minghanwu:樓上,這個脫奧的議題已經說爛了 08/03 09:27
minghanwu:30年來奧運規模發展過大,變成能承辦的國家不多, 08/03 09:28
minghanwu:未來10年會拼命瘦身,減少項目跟參賽人數 08/03 09:30