精華區beta tattoo_ring 關於我們 聯絡資訊
從我同學兼同行那轉貼過來 不曉得是哪位大師說過的話 很誠懇到是真的^^ 一位大師的分享建議: 1.如果不知道真正想要刺什麼,就先不要刺,因為你一定會後悔 If you don't know what you really want, don't get tattooed.because it will onely b a matter of time before you will regret it) 2.請謹慎挑選刺青師與刺青店 Pick the shop and your artist carefully. 3.慢慢地與刺青師討論你的刺青設計,並作預算控制 Take your time with picking your design and set up your budge accordingly. 4.不要跟刺青師??討價還價,這是很失禮的事情 Do not start bargaining in the tattoo shop! It's DISRESPECTFUL! 5.刺青是昂貴的,如果還沒有能力,請不要刺 Tattooing is a luxury.If you cannot afford it,don't do it. 6.刺青是一分錢一分貨 Cheap tattoos are not good.Good tattoo are not cheap. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: