精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
—Usage note 7. The verb following there is singular or plural according to the number of the subject that follows the verb: There is a message for you. There are patients in the waiting room. With compound subjects in which all the coordinate words are singular, a singular verb often occurs, although the plural may also be used: There was (or were ) a horse and a cow in the pasture. When a compound subject contains both singular and plural words, the verb usually agrees with the subject closest to the verb, although a plural verb sometimes occurs regardless, especially if the compound has more than two elements: There were staff meetings and a press conference daily. There was (or were ) a glass, two plates, two cups, and a teapot on the shelf. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/there -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sweeties:這樣說起來 後面跟著多個名詞時 用is反而比較少嗎? 05/24 13:11
chenzhishun1:this post rocks, thanks!! :D 05/27 11:47
carper:原文的意思應該是說"以較靠近動詞的名詞"為準吧... 05/28 20:01