精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我在學校學的英語教學很淺 好像本來兩學期的課變成一學期 而且我大學的時候比較熟悉的是文學 可是我現在要考試 遇到這些題目都只能用大概 或猜的 如 IV. Language Learning and Teaching 14% 34. The weak form of the contrastive analysis hypothesis claims that _____. (A) interference errors can be identified only after they have been made. (B) L2 will not be affected by L1. (C) L2 errors can be predicted on the basis of contrasting L1 and L2 structures. (D) interference is only one of several possible sources of error. 35. In current cognitive code theory, automaticity is thought _____. (A) to involve connections that are easy to modify. (B) to involve connections that are difficult to modify. (C) to involve processes that take place in short term memory. (D) to involve processes that take place in long term memory. 36. With regard to the relationship between learning and acquisition, Krashen held that _____. (A) learning can become acquisition under special circumstances. (B) acquisition is dependent on learning. (C) learning can never become acquisition. (D) learning is central to success in a second language. 37. In interlanguage, the style which most reflects the universal principles of SLA is _____. (A) careful style elicited through grammatical judgments. (B) careful style elicited through imitation tasks. (C) the vernacular. (D) attended speech. 38. The notion that language learners’ errors are dangerous and are indications of non-learning comes from _____. (A) the mentalists. (B) the behaviorists. (C) the interactionists. (D) the Chomskyites. 39. Which of the following are thought to be true about L1 transfer today? (A) It has no influence at all in SLA. (B) It is more likely to occur when L1 and L2 are similar. (C) It can come into play in SLA, but universal factors are also important. (D) Both B and C. 40. If we know that there are no exceptions to the statement that languages that have VSO word order also have prepositions, we are dealing with _____. (A) an implicational universal. (B) a universal tendency. (C) an absolute universal. (D) both A and C. 如果要會寫這些題目閱讀哪些書可以幫助我呢 我google了一下人家推薦這些書 一、《Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (4rd ed.) 》, H. Douglas Brown 二、《Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Teaching Pedagogy》, H. Douglas Brown 三、《Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (3nd ed.) 》, Diane Larsen-Freeman 四、《Teaching Language in Context (2nd ed.) 》, Alice Omaggio Hadley 五、《Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching》, Richards Jack C. and Rogers Theodore S. 六、《英語教學及應用語言學辭典》, Jack Richards C. 如果我時間有限預算有限只買兩本 可以推薦我哪兩本 我不是要考研究所 是要考教甄 希望有人能幫幫我 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
faqa:1是一定要唸的!加油囉! 05/30 00:41
Pinker:二、三 基本上 熟讀其中一本拿來應付考試就夠了~ 05/30 02:00
KEIKO:你可以找找唸師範的或者唸英語教學研究所的 借借看 05/30 22:13