精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《djnospam (DJ)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《yiningchen (小花兒)》之銘言: : : Is she ever late for school? : : Yes, always she is. : : No, never she is. : : 頻率副詞的位置 簡答的話不是放在中間嗎 : That's correct. : : 為什麼這樣子寫呢? 是為了要強調嗎? : No. It's wrong. : [quote] : "Practical English Usage" by M.S., 3rd edition : 22.3 indefinite frequency: usually, normally,... : 'Usually', 'normally', 'often', 'frequently', 'sometimes' and : 'occasionally' can go in front position (but they are more : common in mid-position ...) : Ex. Usually I get up early. : '*Always*', 'ever', 'rarely, 'seldom' and '*never*' cannot : normally go in front position. : Ex. I always/never get up early. : (NOT (x)Always/Never I get up early(x) ) : However, always and never can begin imperative clauses. : Ex. Always look in the mirror before starting to drive. : [/quote] 嗯 我之前的回文是從語料庫找到的資料 語料庫中 always的確可以搬到最前面當強調用 我貼些例句好了(順便騙些p幣 XD) a desert, where one can crawl only from puddle to puddle, and hardly notices one's exhaustion. I am always thinking how one could do it better... I am very anxious that you will be terribly angry. Always I think that perhaps one day I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ would get everything right and be fair to everybody, and then it all collapses again.21 Their friends were conscious of the effects on Christiane of Michael's Corpus: strathy/CA. Text: BC---91--47. in wet and clinging shorts. <p> He took me to his flat-a flat decorated with such perfect, quirky taste I could have designed it myself. Never before had I allowed myself to be taken anywhere. Always I was in control. But now I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ rolled up my umbrella and let him lead me, the warm rain soaking through my hair to my scalp and running in ticklish trickles down my back. We took off our clothes Corpus: brmags/UK. Text: MBX-----618. she would wear it only with careful editing. `That is the problem with some people. You have to wear only pieces that are right for you. I was judging the Miss World competition in Sun City and always I ask the girls who it is they ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ have for a heroine. So many say the name of a famous model, this is wrong, you should have your own style. If people are wearing their hair down, you should wear it Corpus: brmags/UK. Text: MBX-----170. have to do like she said. <p> FRANKEL: As the sole bread winner for her family back in Marissius, Sabira felt she had no option, even when her employer denied the most basic requests. <p> SABIRA: Always I ask her about my food and she ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ refuse. Sometimes I don't have nothing. <p> FRANKEL: [interviewing] Why didn't you just go out and buy something to eat? <p> SABIRA: I can't go out. I am not Corpus: npr/US. Text: SU1--930516. attendance upon a visiting dignitary, I arranged for Humay to be present; sometimes I accompanied her myself, sometimes I found her an escort among the unbonded young men assigned to me as aides. Always I ensured that Rumer should ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ see Humay, if not in a reception line then in the promenade of the formal recessional. Afterward I asked Humay, who never seemed to have even a naive insight into the Corpus: usbooks/US. Text: BU-----1440. 基本上 alway搬到最前面是有的 但我稍微看了一下 我是認為這種用法比較偏向是口語上使用 因為 即使是出自於收集書籍語料的corpus 它的context看起來像是使用口語表達的情境 至於語料庫的資料 說實在的 語料庫的資料不見得就是合於文法的 想像三個互相涵蓋的圓圈 一個叫做grammatical sentences的集合體 一個叫做acceptable sentences的集合體 另一個是unacceptable sentences(or, ungrammatical sentences) 的集合體 語料庫所收錄的句子 會是這三個圓圈所互相覆蓋的地方 (ps.這裡三個圈圈交集不是意味一個句子會同時合於文法或是可被接受或不合文法 這只是拿來方便說明語料庫中語料分布的範圍) 也就是說 語料庫會有合於文法的句子、可被接受的句子、及不可為人接受的句子 而字典所收錄的 正常只會有合於文法的句子 不太會涵蓋到可為人接受但卻不合文法的句子 所以 或許always放在最前面 文法上來說或許不行 但根據實際語料可知 這種用法是存在的 至於要不要教學生 嗯....我想 看狀況吧 怕學生搞混的話 還是教比較合於文法的囉~~XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Pinker 來自: (05/27 10:39)
Pinker:對了 三個圈圈那個理論是看某本書知道的 但書名不記得了 05/27 11:14
Pinker:請容我引述 別說我抄襲呀~XD 05/27 11:14