精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天做模擬考題的時候寫到一題覺得答案怪怪的 所以上來問問大家看看有沒有更好的解釋 _________ our production figures improve in the near future, we foreseee having to hire more people between now and July. (A) During (B) Only (C) Unless (D) Because 答案給的是(C) 我想知道為什麼選(D)不行 語意上覺得(C)很怪 文法上 Because不也能當連接詞嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chiya666:很簡單 答案錯了 C沒錯啊 05/26 20:29
chiya666:打錯 D沒錯啦 Because 05/26 20:29
djnospam:One "predicts" the figures will improve in the future 05/27 00:04
djnospam:, not "states" it as a "fact" (how do you know it 05/27 00:05
djnospam:will improve?). "Because" is used to state a fact, 05/27 00:06
djnospam:so it can't be the answer. 05/27 00:06
djnospam:"Unless" can be used to "predict" a condition, that's 05/27 00:07
djnospam:why C is the answer. 05/27 00:07
chiya666:unless是可以當做條件連接詞 但是是反意的 語意並不通 05/27 00:17
chiya666:如果下一句是寫we foresee no need to hire...unless就通 05/27 00:18