精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
ET Jason郭老師 常會親自上戰場背考題跟大家做分享。這是今天5/12周六下午場 考的全民英檢中高級的閱讀部份考題 ET Jason跟他的戰友經常會一起背出考題,以下僅為部分考題 待下週有更完整的考題 馬上在部落格做修改,再跟大家做分享喔: 中高級閱讀考題 段落填空部分(cloze test) 這個部份有五種最常出現的考題 1. conjunctions 2. phrasal verbs/prepositional phrases 3. similar words (Nouns and verbs) 4. Verb tense/derivatives 5. the possessive form of nouns/pronouns (代)名詞及其所有格 並且要注意:4個一致性(coherence) ‧ 破題法:請參照blog http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/etjason-etjason/ 第一篇段落填空主要是考 之前天文學(astrology)的重大新聞, 就是找到ㄧ個類地球的行星(planet),抱歉ET Jason年紀大 只能記得部分內容, 但僅就記得的內容 還有找到的相關資料 跟大家做補充: For decades, the scientists have been trying to find an earthlike planet but . ___(16)____ each planet they’ve found is either too hot or too cold. Now, a new discovery gas brought a great deal of ___(17)____ to the planet hunters.Astronomers have discovered a planetary system more similar to our own Solar System than any known previously. The bright star HD70642 visible with binoculars toward the constellation of Puppis, was already known to be a star like our Sun. The above illustration indicates what the HD70642 planetary system might look like from a hypothetical moon orbiting the newly discovered planet. At only 90 light years distant, extremely faint early radio broadcasts from Earth are now passing this planetary system. Q16. A. Unfortunately B. Hence C. Accordingly D. Therefore Q17. A. B. Excitement C. D. 閱讀理解(Reading comprehension) 中高級共有五種考題 1. Exposition 說明文(就是稍短的托福文章) 2. Charts, tables and graphs 圖表文 3. Correspondence 商業信函 4. Reports 新聞報導 5. Advertisements and announcements 廣告跟公告文 破題法請參照blog 以下跟大家做簡單分享 Reading 1 – bar graph 柱狀圖 圖案ET Jason已製作出 不過ptt無法顯示 請參考部落格 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/etjason-etjason/ 常考true/false Qs 跟key words/information Vehicle sale 某車場共四種車款的2003-2006年的銷售狀況 考2003-2006共四季四種車款的柱狀圖 偏簡單,但細節要小心,考了許多true/false Qs 四種車款 jeep sedan sports car 7 passenger van =============================================================== Reading 2 – email E-mail常考sender/receiver 還有purpose跟 true/false Qs 剛好也考時事 因為下週有世界博物館日! 大家可以免費參觀museum To: (email address) From: Wesley Lee Subject: Thank you for your inquiry! Dear xxx, Regarding your inquiry about the borrowing the work of Chou Wei-xing, we are happy to lend you the work of the artist. To our knowledge,this would be the first exhibition concerning Chou’s work prior to 1970. However, we are not able to lend you the “autumn xxx” work because we have another exhibition in our museum, which overlaps your exhibition period. We have another Chou’s painting, “water buffalo”, which is a 1960 work of Chou’s. We are sure it’s also an icon of Chou’s early style. Let me know if it’s ok for you. Wesley 博物館主管Wesley Lee寫給回給另一個要借用該館藝術品的人 第一段回應說很樂意借出藝術品 第二段說 抱歉 某一樣不能借 因為跟另一個展覽衝突到 第三段回應說 不然借另一樣同性質的藝術品 詢問對方的意願 Qs 問此封email 的main idea 及 what can we infer from this story Ms Wesley Lee 地址 電話 很高興收到您2 may的來信 我門很樂意出借Chou Wei-xhing的畫作 to my knowledge, this would be the first exhibition of Chou’s work prior to 1970. Q1 what can we learn from the autumn depicts natural scenes. 然而 你要的autumn color剛好跟我們的展覽撞期 所以無法出借 我們想以water buffalo代替 是1966年的作品 也可以代替他的early 畫風 讓我知道這樣的安排是否妥當 ========================================================= Reading 3 –narration 容易考 subject 跟 inference 還有true/false Qs 這次考的是流沙(quicksand)的現象 也提醒大家不要被電影騙了 流沙沒那麼恐怖 只要抓住一些重點 遇到流沙也不用怕 一樣 toefl也會有類似的主題 ET Jason就記得的細節 跟找到的相關資料 跟大家分享 QS, as seen in the movies, can be very scary. In the movies, QS pulls whatever is unlucky enough to fall into it down into a bottomless pit. Then the unlucky victim disappears and is assumed to have drowned. In reality, the movies do not portray QS exactly as it really reacts. QS is made up of sand clay, and water. If a person suddenly finds himself or herself in QS, the first thing they should remember is to not panic. If the person who has just fallen into the quick sand will just relax, e they will probably float to the top. Being able to float in QS is due to the differences in the densities of QS, water and the human body. QS has a density of about 125 pounds per cubic foot and the human body has a density of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot. The differences between these densities enable the human body to float while in QS. If floating is not working due to the buoyancy of the QS, do not panic; just make slow, easy movements to free yourself. If you find yourself only in QS up to your waist, you will experience a vacuum when trying to remove your leg from the QS. Remember, quick movements will make the situation worse. A person who finds himself or herself in this predicament should remember not to panic and allow him or herself to float by getting on their back. In this position, they can paddle to safety using slow motions. The most important thing to remember is to remain calm and not begin flailing around, causing the sand particles to engulf them. =============================================== 以上簡單資料跟大家分享 僅為部份。 待有更完整資料 隨時在Blog上補足 再跟大家分享 也望各位先進不吝指教 進行補完! 也預祝各位母親節快樂^^~ ET Jason -- 歡迎各位參觀 ET Jason 郭老師的Yahoo部落格 <( ̄︶ ̄)> 「大英王國」<( ̄︶ ̄)> http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/etjason-etjason/ ET Jason-全民英檢高級通過、多益990滿分 並為多家政府機關、企業講師及補教界師訓講師, 歡迎各位留言詢問任何英文相關問題,讓我們一起往英檢高級、多益滿分的目標邁進\^o^/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: etjason 來自: (05/13 00:20)
coes:感謝分享 05/13 00:39
etjason:Hi, coes, it's my pleasure. 歡迎交流喔:)) 05/13 08:30
absolution:哇 好強 謝謝分享 ^^ 05/13 11:48
jainly:今天聽完Jason老師和康老師的演講覺得超讚的辣~ 05/13 16:51
etjason:Haha jainly板友 你有去聽演講喔XD 阿看到本人很失望後:P 05/13 22:20
jainly:Jason老師很厲害辣~整個人散發著無以言喻的自信^^。我最弱 05/13 23:11
jainly:的就是寫作,聽完你們演說獲益良多。其他3個朋友也是如此說 05/13 23:12
jainly:再次感謝Jason和康老師。也大力的推薦給版本的所有老師~ 05/13 23:13
etjason:也很感謝jainly版友的捧場 我會繼續努力:)) 05/14 10:53
※ 編輯: etjason 來自: (05/18 16:29) ※ 編輯: etjason 來自: (07/11 02:59) ※ 編輯: etjason 來自: (07/11 03:01)