精華區beta teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天寫高中教甄試題的時候發現考了很多這類的片語 1. shoot the breeze →胡說 2. pour oil on troubled waters→平息風波 3. sth is "neck and neck"→不分上下;並駕齊驅 4. sth is "fell into place"→逐漸被理解 找不到的更多~"~ 1. to feed sb a line? 2. live high on the hog? 3. come under the hammer? 4. to get the jump on sb? 5. the numbers game? 6. the top dog? 請問各位老師有推薦整理這類idioms的好書嗎? 希望是難度深一點的! 全英的也沒關係 感謝~~~^________^ -- I slept, and dreamed that life was Beauty; I woke, and found that life was Duty. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
vince02:omg 全部只認得2 3個XD 05/11 17:16
rosemarymary:http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/希望有幫到忙ꄠ 05/11 18:50
rustynaillin:3.是拍賣的意思。因為拍賣會上如果拍賣確定會敲槌子 05/11 19:52
rustynaillin:2. 過著優沃的生活。hog=pig 05/11 19:54
rustynaillin:6.可指有優勢的人、事、國家、團體。相反字underdog 05/11 20:00
rustynaillin:4. gain an advantage over sb 05/11 20:03
yi0228:樓上是強者XD 今天有考竹崎高中的應該蠻開心的 05/12 16:39
yi0228:平息風波出現了~ 05/12 16:40